Updates about EMU Safe data and policies - March 22, 2022
To the Eastern Michigan University community:
When the COVID-19 pandemic began in March 2020, we immediately committed to develop – and modify when appropriate – policies and resources based on key data and government guidance. Our goal in this process has always been to help keep our campus community safe while continuing to fulfill our mission of serving students and the community.
Throughout the last two years, we have stayed true to that commitment and now, thankfully, a review of those key data reveals tremendous progress in mitigating the spread and impact of COVID-19:
- COVID-19 case counts are down dramatically statewide, in our County, and on our campus.
- COVID-19 testing continues to be free and accessible at the campus testing center, and campus testing positivity rates are among the lowest since we opened the center in fall 2020.
- The EMU community has an extremely high vaccination rate: Over 90% of EMU employees, as well as an overwhelming majority of EMU students with an in-person component, have been vaccinated against COVID-19.
Importantly, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has classified Washtenaw County as having a “low” risk of transmission” of COVID-19, and the Michigan Dept. of Health & Human Services (MDHHS) has determined that we are in the “recovery phase” of the pandemic.
In the coming days, we will therefore announce changes to our EMU Safe policies. These changes will reflect these data and guidance from government health agencies. At the same time, we will continue following protocols and offering resources that are helpful to the campus community.
Please watch your email in the coming days for these important updates. In the meantime, please continue to review and follow our EMU Safe policies and resources.
James M. Smith, Ph.D.