3rd Annual Walk for Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Awareness
Friday, September 27, 2019
at the EMU Lake House
SAFE Now is hosting the third annual Walk for Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Awareness on September 27, 2019.
Registration and displays start at 3:30 pm. (Walk starts at 4 p.m.)
View the Send Silence Packing display and visit the resource tables.
The Walk for Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Awareness is part of EMU's effort to:
* Increase awareness surrounding suicide prevention
* Reduce stigma and fear surrounding issues of mental health and suicide.
* Remind those suffering that someone cares
You can sign up to participate as an individual, or in a team - like your student organization!
Raffle drawing at the end of the walk!
Our goal with this event is to talk about suicide prevention and reduce the stigma about mental illness - we welcome everyone to come!
To learn more or volunteer at the event, contact:
Dean of Students Office
Watch now: What is SAFE Now?
Click here for SAFE Now Personal Stories
The mission of EMU SAFE Now is to decrease the negative stigma on our campus that surrounds talking about suicide and other mental health issues. Our Personal Stories series features EMU students who wanted to share their stories of overcoming struggles related to mental health and mental illness.
Click here to download SAFE Now Posters!
EMU SAFE Now has new informational posters available for you to download and share! We house our posters on our Posters page. New posters will be available soon!