Subhas Ghosh

A photo of Subhas Ghosh

Emeritus Professor, Fiber Scientist

Technology and Professional Services Management

202 Roosevelt


[email protected]

Office Hours

10:00 am - 3:00 pm AND

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

By appointment - email to schedule


  • Ph.D., Fiber Science, University of Manchester, Manchester, England
  • MS, Textile Science from, University of Manchester, Manchester, England
  • BS, Textile Technology, Calcutta University, Calcutta, India

Professional Summary

Dr. Ghosh has worked in the textile industry where he held various technical management positions.

Interests and Expertise

  • Textile manufacturing
  • Fiber science
  • Fabric structure
  • Material characterizing.

Current research interests include

  • Smart fabrics
  • Fabric structural mechanics
  • Environmentally friendly fabrics.

Courses Taught

  • ATM 212: Textile Science I
  • ATM 312: Textile Science II
  • ATM 378: Textiles for IDE
  • ATM 404: Textiles for Merchandising
  • ATM 644: Recent Developments in Textiles
  • ATM 671: Engineering Properties of Textiles and Structures
  • ATM 675: Textile Analysis for Merchandising
  • ATM 792: Theory and Physics of Fibers

Selected Publications

  • Embedding aromatherapy essential oils into textile fabric using ß-Cyclodextrin Inclusion compound, Indian Journal of Fiber and Textile research, (2014).
  • Encapsulation of PCM for Thermo-regulated Fabric Application, Subhas Ghosh and Prasad Bhatkhande, International Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2, 366–370 (2012)
  • Surface Modification of Poly (amidoamine) (PAMAM) Dendrimers as Antimicrobial Agents, Nadarajah Vasanthan (LIU) et al., and Subhas Ghosh(EMU), Tetrahedron Letters, 51, 66706675) 2012
  • A study of antimicrobial property of textiles fabric treated with modified Dendrimers, Subhas Ghosh, Sangeeta Yadav, Nadarajah Vasanthan and Gabriela Sekosan, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 115, 716722 (2010), currently available on-line.
  • Aleksandra Volkmann and Subhas Ghosh, Antimicrobial Coatings Based on Hydantoin-Containing Ploymer Networks For Textiles, Published online, August 9, 2010, Journal of Applied Polymer Science,Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • Nadarajah Vasanthan, Hoang Ly and Subhas Ghosh, Impact of Nanoclay on Isothermal Cold Crystallization Kinetics and Polymorphism of Poly(l-Lactic Acid) Nan composites, Journal of Physical Chemistry, B, 2011, 115, 95569563
  • The antibacterial property of cotton fabric treated with silver nanoparticles, Journal of the Textile Institute, Subhas Ghosh, Sangeeta Yadav and Natalie Reynolds, Vol. 101, No. 10, October, 2010, 917924
  • Ultrasonic Sealing of Polyester and Spectra Fabrics Utilizing Thermo Plastic Properties, Subhas Ghosh and Renuka Reddy, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 113, 10821089 (2009)
  • Application of poly (lactic acid) fibers in automotive interior, Subhas Ghosh and Sukanya Krishnan, Indian Journal of Fiber and Textile research, Vol.32, March, 2007, 119212.
  • Structure Development of Poly (lactic Acid) fibers Processed at Various Spinning Conditions, s. Ghosh and Nad Vasanthan, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol 101, 2006.
  • Development of a Sensor-embedded Flexible Textile Structure for Apparel or large Area Applications, Subhas Ghosh, Cathryn Amidei, and Keith Furrow, Indian Journal of Fiber and Textile Research, Vol. 30, March, 2005, 428.
  • Creating Aesthetics and Functional Values in Cotton Fabrics by Introducing Thermobonding Amorphous Polyester Fibers into Blends, S. Ghosh and Lila Villarreal, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 89, 2003.
  • A geometric model of woven geo-textile tape fabric to predict tensile property, S. Ghosh and M Koenig, Indian Journal of Textiles and Fiber Research, Vol.27, December, 2002.

Patents / Awards / Grants

Recognized as one of the "Top Ten" Textiles Leaders by Textile World Magazine in 2001

Additional Information

Prior to joining EMU he was a distinguished professor and a director of research at the Institute of Textile Technology, Charlottesville, VA. He was also a visiting professor at the University of Virginia. He has published 90 papers on various textile subjects and has been an invited speaker at several international conferences in many countries. Dr. Ghosh has also served textile industry for eight years where he held technical management positions. During the past 30 years, Dr. Ghosh has conducted research on a wide variety of subjects, including thermo-regulating fabric, perfume releasing fabric, antimicrobial fabric, non halogenic fire and glow-resistant finish, odor-control fabric, protective bullet-proof composite, etc. He has advised more than 80 graduate students on their thesis research.