Alice Jo Rainville

A photo of Alice Jo Rainville

Professor, Graduate Coordinator

Health Sciences

335 Marshall


[email protected]


  • University of Texas Houston Health Science Center, School of Public Health, Ph.D., Community Health Sciences, December, 1996. Discipline: Biological Sciences.
  • Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois, Master of Science in Home Economics, August, 1981. Concentration: Foods and Nutrition.
  • University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, Bachelor of Science in Human Resources and Family Studies, May, 1979. Major: Institution Management.


Dr. Alice Jo Rainville has been teaching since 1989 and she has secured over $500,000 in external contracts and grants to fund a variety of quantitative and qualitative school nutrition projects and a journal editorship. As a mentor to faculty colleagues and Master of Science in Human Nutrition thesis chair/committee member, she has guided many faculty and nutrition and dietetics students in their research. She has collaborated with researchers from the Institute of Child Nutrition and researchers from EMU and other universities. She has numerous publications and presentations that resulted from the research projects. Along with Dr. Olivia Ford, she is co-director of the 2018-2023 CDC-funded Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health project.

She is the Past Chair of the School Nutrition Services Dietetic Practice Group and Foodservice Systems Management Education Council. Dr. Rainville served on the USDA Professional Standards Task Force; American Dietetic Association FNCE Program Planning Committee; School Nutrition Association Research Committee; and Child Nutrition Foundation Board of Directors. She was named a Fellow of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in 2014.

Dr. Rainville’s research interests include:

  • Public Health
  • Maternal and Child Health
  • School Nutrition Programs
  • Foodservice Management


Listed below are Dr. Alice Jo Rainville's selected publications.  Click on PDF link to see full Curriculum Vitae [PDF].

Peer-Reviewed Publications:

Rainville, A.J., Ford, O., Bessire, R, Wu, T.Y. Field Notes:  Implementation of Healthy for Life® Virtual Cook-Along Classes. Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition. In press.

Wu, T.Y., Bessire, R., Ford, O., Rainville, A.J. Food Insecurity and Diabetes: An Investigation of Underserved Asian Americans in Michigan" Health Promotion Practice. In press.

Caboral-Stevens, M., Rainville, A.J., Ford, O., Yang, X., Donnelly, J., Bessire, R. Jackson-Dyer, T., Sonnega, J., Wu, T.Y.  Health Communication Messaging for Asian Americans:  Lessons Learned. Health Promotion Practice. In press.

Wu T.Y., Ford O., Rainville A.J., Yang X., Chow C.M., Lally S., Bessire R., Donnelly J.Perceptions of COVID-19 Vaccine, Racism, and Social Vulnerability: An Examination among East Asian Americans, Southeast Asian Americans, South Asian Americans, and Others. Vaccines. 2022; 10(8):1333.

Wu, T.Y., Yang, X., Lally, S., Rainville, A.J., Ford, O., Bessire, R, Donnelly, J. Using Community Engagement and Geographic Information Systems to Address COVID-19 Vaccination Disparities. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease. 2022. 7(8)

Wu, T.Y., Raghunathan, V., Lally, S., Rainville, A.J., Bessire, R. Influenza Vaccination Uptake During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Trusted Messenger Approach. Health Education Journal. 2022.

Wu, T.Y., Ford, O., Rainville, A.J., Bessire, R., Yang, X., Jackson-Dyer, T., Haimout, A.Reducing Lactation Support Disparities for a Marginalized Community Through a Policy,Systems, and Environmental Change Approach: A Case Study in Michigan. Journal of Human Lactation.  2021.

Ford, O, Rainville, A.J., Bessire, R., Yang, X., Wu, T.Y. Understanding the Grocery Store Environment in A Michigan Urban Setting: A Case Study in A Bangladeshi Community. Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition. 2021.  DOI: 10.1080/19320248.2021.2002749

Wu, T.Y, Ford, O, Rainville, A.J., Bessire, R. COVID-19 Care Package Distribution for Senior Citizens in Detroit and Hamtramck, Michigan. Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition. 2020. DOI:10.1080/19320248.2020.1799586

Bouzek, A., Rainville, A.J. Nutritional Quality of Foods Served in Child Care Settings. Journal of Child Nutrition and Management. Volume 44, Issue 1, 2020.

Renn, L., Rainville, A.J. School Nutrition Training Needs Regarding Food Sensitivities and Food Trends. Journal of Child Nutrition and Management. Volume 43, Issue 2, 2019. utrition_and_Management/Fall_2019/School-Nutrition-Training-Needs-Regarding-FoodSensitivities-and-Food-Trends-Fall2019.pdf

Slawson, K., Rainville, A.J. Salad Bars in Schools and Fruit and Vegetable Selection and Consumption: A Review of Recent Research. Journal of Child Nutrition and Management. Volume 43, Issue 1, 2019. trition_and_Management/Spring_2019/Salad-Bars-in-Schools-Affect-on-Selection-andConsumption-Spring2019.pdf

Olson, E., Arendt, S.W., FitzPatrick, E., Hauser, S., Rainville, A.J., Rice, B., Lewis, K. Marketing Mechanisms Used for Summer Food Service Programs. 2019. Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing. DOI: 10.1080/10495142.2019.1589632

DeGracia, C., Rainville, A.J. Marketing the New Eastern Michigan University Demonstration Kitchen Through a Culinary Event. Journal of Foodservice Management & Education. Volume 11, No. 2, 2017.

Minaya, S., Rainville, A.J. How Nutritious are Students’ Packed School Lunches? A Comparison of Lunches Brought from Home and School Lunches. Journal of Child Nutrition and Management. Volume 40, Issue 2, Fall 2016. trition_and_Management/Fall_2016/HowNutritiousAreChildren.pdf

Krukowski, C.N., Conley, K.M, Sterling, M., Rainville, A.J. A Qualitative Study of Adolescent Views of Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Taxes, Michigan, 2014. Preventing Chronic Disease. 2016; 13150543. DOI:

Rainville, A.J., King, A.D., Nettles, M.F. Effectiveness of Breakfast in the Classroom in Five

Exemplary Districts. Journal of Child Nutrition and Management. Volume 37, Issue 1, Spring 2013,-Issue-1,-Spring-2013---Rainville,-King,Nettles/

Farmer, B., Larson, B.T., Fulgoni, V.L., Rainville, A.J., Liepa, G.U. A Vegetarian Dietary Pattern as a Nutrient-Dense Approach to Weight Management: An Analysis of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1999-2004. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 111: 819-827, 2011.


Currently teaching: DTC 435 Seminar in Dietetics, DTC 450 Foodservice Management II, DTC 601 Research Writing, DTC 608 Advanced Topics in Foods, DTC 659 Development of the Entrepreneurial Dietitian, Independent Studies, Thesis and Research Project Supervision

Developed: DTC 358 Food and Culture, DTC 258 American Regional Foods, and DTC 601 Research Writing

Has taught: DTC 108, DTC 251, DTC 258, DTC 350, DTC 358, DTC 451


Awards & Recognitions

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Excellence in Practice-Dietetic Research Award, 2016.

Nominee for Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Excellence in Practice-Dietetic Research Award, 2015.

Eastern Michigan University Gold Medallion Award for Outstanding Faculty Advisor to a Student Organization (Students for Life), March, 2014.

Foodservice Achievement Management Excellence (FAME) Award, January, 2007.

Everett L. Marshall Award for Excellence in Scholarly Activity, Eastern Michigan University College of Health and Human Services, April, 2006.

School Nutrition Association Research Award for Best Poster at Annual National Conference, July, 2005.

Nominee for Eastern Michigan University Scholarship Recognition Award, January, 2003, 2004, and 2006.

Nominee for American Dietetic Association Foundation Award of Excellence in Research, March, 2003.

Eastern Michigan University Marshal for Commencement, April, 2001.

Outstanding Dietetic Educator Award, American Dietetic Association, May, 2000.

Outstanding Dietetic Educator Award, Michigan Dietetic Association, May, 2000.

Nutrition and Dietetics Department Nominee for McGovern Teaching Award, March, 1993 and March, 1996.

Finalist for Five Outstanding Young Houstonians Award, Houston Jaycees, July, 1994.

Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year, Texas Dietetic Association, March, 1992.

Young Alumni Award, University of Illinois Home Economics Alumni Association, October, 1990.