IPE Profile

Kathy Seurynck

[email protected] 


Brief professional description

Currently I am a full professor at EMU. I have over 20 years’ experience in nursing education.  I co- direct IPE and nursing simulation for CHHS and my certifications include Certified Nurse Educator and Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator.  My passions include active learning, simulation and IPE education.

How and why did you get involved?

I became involved with IPE through the initiative at EMU in 2013 shortly after I came to EMU. I saw the need in practice that improved patient outcomes occur when professions actually work together instead of in silos. I have continued to be involved in IPE serving on the steering committee and co-directing our IPE simulation program.

What do you believe are the benefits?

There are so many benefits of IPE, most important being improved care of our patients and increased safety.  It can help decrease errors by improving communication and collaboration. We learn, respect and problem solve together. We work so much better collaborating together and beginning this during college will hopefully translate to collaborative care in practice.

What has been the most memorable experience or highlight of teaching IPE so far?

My favorite teaching experience is our annual IPE simulation with eight disciplines participating from EMU. We have held this event in person since 2018 and then virtually during the pandemic. The event is always so exciting  to bring everyone together in a simulated case or case study with an actual patient. The students love to work, collaborate and learn about other professions! It is great to see the enthusiasm and excitement of the students and faculty every year.


  • IPE Steering Committee
  • Co-Director IPE Simulation at EMU
  • Participated in IPE Center for Interprofessional Education, Research and Practice (CIERP) opening 4/12/23.

Peer-Reviewed Publications 

  1. Hughesdon, K., Zakrajsek, A., Washington,V., Seurynck, K., Myler, L. & Holt, S. Interprofessional simulation with nursing and occupational therapy students: Comparing a virtual and in- person event. Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice. (Submitted for review). 
  2. Seurynck, K.M., Myler, L.A. and Argeros, G., 2021. Answering the Call for Interprofessional Education using a Large-Scale Simulation. Health, Interprofessional Practice and Education, 4(2), p.eP2166.  http://doi.org/10.7710/2641-1148.2166 
  3. Washington, V. L., Zakrajsek, A., Myler, L., Seurynck, K., Holt, S., & Scazzero, J. (2021). Blending interprofessional education and simulation learning: A mixed-methods study of an interprofessional learning experience with nursing and occupational therapy students. Journal of interprofessional care, 1–6.  https://doi.org/10.1080/13561820.2021.1897552 
  4. Saldanha, K., Myler, L. & Seurynck, K.(2020). Building interpersonal care teamwork skills in a virtual IPE simulation event, Social Work with Groups. https://doi.org/10.1080/01609513.2020.1859073

Peer-Reviewed Posters 

  1. Kalinowski, L., Loomis, E., L., Myler, L. & Seurynck, K.(2022). An Innovative Interprofessional Experience Focusing on Postpartum Depression. Interprofessional Education Collaborative Poster Fair 
  2. Myler, L., Seurynck, K. & Brooks, H. (2019). The Journey to a Perfect Partnership: Academic and Community Success in Interprofessional Education. 2019 Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research Conference. Grand Rapids, MI 
  3. Zakrajsek, A., Washington, V., Holt, S., Seurynck, K., & Myler, L. (2019). A Perfect Pairing: Utilizing Standardized patient Simulation & Interprofessional Education Learning Experiences With Occupational Therapy and Nursing Students. National Academy of Practice in Speech Language Pathology (NAP): Annual Meeting and Forum. Arlington, Virginia 
  4. Lindquist, J., Myler, L., Seurynck, K. (2018, April). Interprofessional Simulation Training Involving Masters of Prosthetics Students at Eastern Michigan University. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Association of Children’s Prosthetic-Orthotic Clinics, Grand Rapids, MI 
  5. Myler, L. & Seurynck, K., (2017, June). Large scale simulation: Where to begin? International Association of Simulation and Clinical Learning Conference. Washington, D.C. 
  6. Harten, A.C., Kellman-Fritz, J., Kret, L., Lewis, C., Lindquist, J., Mortier, T., Myler, L., Peterson, J., Seurynck, K., & Walters, B. (2017, October). Promoting Communication and Quality of Care through Interprofessional Simulation. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions, San Antonio, TX. 
  7. Myler, L., Seurynck, K., Peterson, J., & Gossett-Zakrajsek, A. (September, 2016). Benefits and Challenges of Implementing Interprofessional Simulations Across the Curriculum, 2016 Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research Conference. Grand Rapid 
  8. Myler, L., Seurynck, K., Walters, B., Kellman-Fritz, J. & Lindquist, J. (September, 2015). Promoting Collaboration and Quality of Care Through Interdisciplinary Simulation. 2015 Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research Conference, Grand Rapids, MI 

Peer-reviewed Presentations 


  1. Myler, L., & Seurynck, K. (2022). Postpartum hemorrhage and depression: Innovative ways to adapt to changing times. International Nursing Association of Clinical and Simulation Learning Conference 2022. Milwaukee, WI. June 15-18. 
  2. Seurynck, K. & Myler, L. (June 16, 2021). Providing Meaningful Simulations Experiences in a Virtual Time. (INASCL). Denver, CO. (Virtual) 
  3. Seurynck, K., Myler, L., Zakrajsek, A., Washington, V., Holt (2019). Help! I Fell and Hit my Head! An IPE Simulation with Mental Health Nursing and Occupational Therapy Students. International Meeting on Simulation in Health Care (IMSH). San Antonio, TX 
  4. Karshin, C., Seurynck, K. & Hutchins-Wiese, H. (2017, Oct). Small Changes, Big Impact. Integrating Interprofessional Education (IPE) for Student Success, Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo, Chicago, Ill. 


  1. Myler, L., Seurynck, K., Lindquist, J. & Brooks, H. (2020). Establishing the P’s in Interprofessional Education (IPE): Partnerships, Processes and Procedures for Excellence. Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research Conference (MIPERC), Virtual 
  2. Seurynck, K., Myler, L., & Brooks, H. (2020). Use of a Simulation to Improve Student’s Performance in a Mock Code. Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research Conference (MIPERC), Virtual 
  3. Seurynck, K., Myler, L., Hopkins, H., & Moynihan, V. (2019, September 19-20). Controlling crisis collaboratively: Creating a sustainable interprofessional postpartum hemorrhage simulation. Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research Conference, Grand Rapids. MI 
  4. Myler, L. & Seurynck, K. (2017, March 10). Promoting safety through interprofessional education and practice. Evidence Based Practice Conference: Championing a Culture of Safety for our Patients, Our Practice and Ourselves. Ann Arbor, MI 
  5. Myler, L., Seurynck, K., Walters, B., Kellman-Fritz, J. & Lindquist, J. (September, 2015). Collaboration and Quality of Care Through Interdisciplinary Simulation. 2015 Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research Conference, Grand Rapids, MI 


  1. Seurynck, K., Myler, L., Holt, S., & Yatczak, J. (2017, April 13). An interdisciplinary team based approach to develop soft skills in students using coaching techniques. IPE Mini-grant Brown Bag, EMU, Ypsilanti, MI 
  2. Myler, L., & Seurynck, K. (April, 2016). IPE Simulation Brown Bag, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI 
  3. Myler, L., & Seurynck, K. (May, 2016). Promoting Collaboration and Quality of Care through Interdisciplinary Simulation. CHHS Resource Development Board, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI 

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