ESL Courses

Students who takes ESL courses are students who:

  • are admitted to the Intensive English program, or;
  • are fully admitted to a degree program, but wish to improve one or more academic English skills.

In ESL classes, students will increase English proficiency in:

  • writing
  • reading
  • speaking
  • listening
  • grammar
  • vocabulary

Students will practice English:

  • in class projects
  • in outside class activities
  • with technology

Intensive English program students who have an F-1 visa are required to enroll in 18 hours per semester of ESLN courses to meet U.S. visa requirements.

Students who wish to study in a bachelors degree program will exit the ESL program when they complete the 400 level successfully.

Students who wish to study in a master's degree program will exit the ESL program when they complete the 500 level successfully.

Sequence of ESLN Courses


  1. ESLN 002 Foundations of ESL Writing
  2. ESLN 004 Foundations of ESL Reading
  3. ESLN 006 Foundations of ESL Speaking/Listening


  1. ESLN 012/ESLN 112 Beginning ESL Writing
  2. ESLN 014/ESLN 114 Beginning ESL Reading
  3. ESLN 016/ESLN 116 Beginning ESL Speaking/Listening


  1. ESLN 022/ESLN 212 Intermediate ESL Writing
  2. ESLN 024/ESLN 214 Intermediate ESL Reading
  3. ESLN 026/ESLN 216 Intermediate ESL Speaking/Listening


  1. ESLN 031/ESLN 311 Advanced ESL Writing
  2. ESLN 035/ESLN 324 Advanced ESL Reading
  3. ESLN 045/ESLN 326 Advanced ESL Speaking/Listening


  1. ESLN 042/ESLN 412 Academic ESL Writing
  2. ESLN 044/ESLN 414 Academic ESL Reading
  3. ESLN 046/ESLN 416 Academic ESL Speaking/Listening
  4. ESLN 049/ESLN 419 Academic ESL Vocabulary
  5. ESLN 040/ESLN 410 Academic ESL Grammar


Graduate Pathway Program:

  1. ESLN 052/ESLN 512 Academic Writing for International Graduate Students
  2. ESLN 054/ESLN 514 Graduate ESL Reading
  3. ESLN 056/ESLN 516 Graduate ESL Speaking/Listening
  4. ESLN 058/ESLN 518 Graduate ESL Vocabulary


Required Elective Courses Taken During Academic Level and/or Graduate Level

  1. ESLN 033/ESLN 313 American Pronunciation II
  2. ESLN 037/ESLN 317 American Language and Culture II
  3. ESLN 038/ESLN 315 Study Skills for the English Language Learner
  4. ESLN 039/319 Community and Current Events II

* Course Descriptions, Objectives & OutcomesAchievement Scale

**ESL courses are subject to University policies, including probation and dismissal. Please see the current Student Handbook and Policy Guide [PDF] for more information.

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