Get Recruited

Considering college? EMU Esports has a place for you to belong. From playing on our competitive teams to working in a real professional environment, we have something for everyone. Take a chance, schedule an appointment with the coordinator, and see what our community has to offer, you won’t regret it.

Step 1: Schedule an Appointment
Step 2: Apply to EMU
Step 3: Meet the Team


EMU Esports has varsity teams in all of the major collegiate esports. Each semester, our teams who compete in the Esports Collegiate Conference (ESC) will have their games broadcasted every Tuesday and Wednesday night on Twitch.

About the Call of Duty Team

Call of Duty represents the best of EMU Esports as this team has competed and pushed itself to their limit before the esports program even existed. Playing in the ESC, NACE, and COW, this team features 6 scholarships and is coached by our last season’s MVP, Millsap.

Call of Duty logo

Meet the Team

Anthony "Benito" Mendoza
Anthony "Benito" Mendoza
Brooklyn "Sim" Simpson
Brooklyn "Sim" Simpson
Keagan "Anxious" Witczak
Keagan "Anxious" Witczak
Team member headshot
Nicholas "GXTES" Warren-Green


Team member headshot
Sri "GenAverage" Vakulabharanam





About the League of Legends Team

Representing one of North America’s oldest esports, our League of Legends team has been a staple of EMU Esports since its inception. Competing in the ESC, NACE, and CLOL, this team features 8 varsity scholarships and is coached by our not so local gaming hero, Arlant. 

League of Legends logo
Anson "Astrosmash" Eberle
Anson "Astrosmash" Eberle
Antonio "MapleTonio" Bienko
Antonio "MapleTonio" Bienko
Caleb "Calios" Johnson
Caleb "Calios" Johnson
Caleb "Meltdown" Mathison
Caleb "Meltdown" Mathison


Jacob "Jukezs" Krettlin
Jacob "Jukezs" Krettlin


Kayn "Vanquished" Bienhold
Kayn "Vanquished" Bienhold
Lance "Dongeritis" Moorer
Lance "Dongeritis" Moorer
Lucas "The Gekco" Hammond
Lucas "The Gekco" Hammond
Noah "Niss" Tarsha
Noah "Niss" Tarsha
Orlando "Leviatã" De Jesus
Orlando "Leviatã" De Jesus



About the Overwatch 2 Team

Overwatch may have needed a version 2.0, but this team won't! Our Overwatch team is dedicated to their work and has numerous fun local rivalries. Playing in the ESC, NACE, and COW, this team features 8 scholarships and is coached by the hungry rookie, dsmarcot.  

Overwatch 2 logo
David "House" Yuhaus
David "House" Yuhaus
Isaac "Moment" Burr
Isaac "Moment" Burr
Kaleb "Dr. Rosenau" Rosenau
Kaleb "Dr. Rosenau" Rosenau
Team member headshot
Owain "Glavon" Kert


Ryan "Blook" Harsh
Ryan "Blook" Harsh


Hunter "Silverbee" Harrison
Hunter "Silverbee" Harrison
Zane "Dexeyz" Ramirez
Zane "Dexeyz" Ramirez
Cesar "Indigo" Gonzalez.
Cesar "Indigo" Gonzalez



About the Rocket League Team

Arguably the most competitive roster in EMU Esports, our roster is a real threat on the national level. Competing in the ESC, NACE, and CRL, this team features 6 varsity scholarships and is coached by the legendary SSL, Guhberry. 

Rocket League logo
Jackson "WtchDctr" Sparks
Jackson "WtchDctr" Sparks
Kyle "kmoney!" Matanzas
Kyle "kmoney!" Matanzas
Team member headshot
Mason "Mason" Hargreaves




About the Super Smash Bros. Team

Different from every other EMU Esports team, our Super Smash Bros players are selected for only one major national event at a time. By earning their spot in a month-long tournament ran by the Eastern Michigan University Smash Club, our players enjoy an all expense paid trip to compete at the highest levels.

Super Smash Bros. logo

About the Valorant Team

Clicking heads and taking names, our Valorant roster is primed to dominate the upcoming years of competition. Playing in the ESC, NACE, and CVAL, this team features 8 scholarships and is coached by the seasoned veteran, KryptWalk.  

Valorant logo

Meet the Team

A headshot of Drew Johnson.
Drew "GrizlySin" Johsnon
A headshot of Jeremiah Santiago.
Jeremiah "Santii" Santiago
Alexander Harrison
Alexander "Avalonn" Harrison
Christopher "Polvirs" Olejnik
Christopher "Polvirs" Olejnik


Corey "Littlego" Smith
Corey "Littlego" Smith


Dominic "Anchorz" Bianchi
Dominic "Anchorz" Bianchi
James "EpicJjoey" McMeeking
James "EpicJjoey" McMeeking
Kyle "Kairu" Walker
Kyle "Kairu" Walker



Esports Competitive Scholarship

All of our starting players and subs are eligible for a competitive scholarship that goes towards their tuition. This is a scholarship which is paid in two installments, once at the beginning of both the Fall and Winter semesters. Students who enter the Esports program in the Winter semester will only receive that semester’s installment.


  • Full-time student at EMU
  • Enrolled in at least 12 credit hours 

Award Tiers

  • Tier 1: $3,000, GPA = 3.0 minimum (For select freshmen and transfers only)
  • Tier 2: $1,500, GPA = 2.0 minimum
  • Tier 3: $1,000, GPA = 2.0 minimum

EMU Esports jersey