Lecturer Awards

EMU Distinguished Lecturer Teaching Award

Award Overview

The Division of Academic and Student Affairs at Eastern Michigan University is committed to providing encouragement and incentives in support of outstanding teaching achievements. To this end, the Division will honor lecturers who have distinguished themselves as outstanding teachers with an award to be presented at the Distinguished Contributions Awards Ceremony. Eligibility for nomination of Lecturer Distinguished Teacher Award applies to all Lecturers, Part-Time and Full-Time (as defined by the EMU/EMUFT Collective Bargaining Agreement).

Up to two selected recipients will receive a $3,500 one-time, lump-sum award and a plaque celebrating their achievements. Any current Lecturer is eligible, with the exception of the winner of this award from any of the previous five award periods (awarded in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, or 2024).

  • Nomination Process and Deadlines Expand dropdown

    Eastern Michigan University administrators, tenured/tenure-track faculty, Full-Time or Part-Time Lecturers, and/or any student may nominate a Lecturer for this award, individually or as a group, to the Eastern Michigan University Federation of Teachers at https://emich.infoready4.com/ Lecturers may also nominate themselves.

    a. Timeline
    • November 14, 2024: Submissions Open
    • January 16, 2025: Submission Deadline

    A member of the Selection Committee will acknowledge the submission of the nominations, through the online system, within one (1) week of the January 16.

    • January 20 - February 20, 2025

    The Selection Committee will review submissions.

    • By February 21, 2025

    The Selection Committee submits a recommendation for the award to the Provost. Applicants will be notified in writing of the Provost's decision. Award winners will be recognized at the award ceremony. Stay tuned for details.

    b. Committee and Review Process

    The Lecturer Distinguished Teaching Award Review and Selection Committee will consist of EMUFT members and will be chaired by a member of the Selection Committee. The EMUFT Union Council will select the members of the Selection Committee, lecturers serving on the committee will consist of those who are ineligible or have chosen not to be nominated for the current year. Any Lecturer interested in serving on the Selection Committee should contact the EMUFT Union Organizer, at either [email protected] or 734.487.5448.

  • Nomination Materials Expand dropdown
    a. Criteria

    The supporting documentation shall strictly focus on information relevant to the nominee’s teaching skills and achievements. The Committee will use the following criteria in their assessment:

    • Mastery and understanding of the field/discipline being taught
    • Ability to communicate a passion for learning to students, and nurture that passion in students
    • Ability to teach in ways that respect both the stated objectives of a course and the particular abilities, interests, and goals of students in a course
    • Ability to teach creative and critical thinking
    • Facilitate students’ ability to extend their learning beyond their prior knowledge and develop a more comprehensive view of the field, themselves, and the world
    • Creative and innovative use of human and material resources to help students extend their learning

    Applications are only valid for the year submitted. Late applications will not be accepted.

    b. Nomination Materials

    For a nominee to be considered, their nomination packet will contain all of the information listed below. It is the responsibility of the nominee and/or nominator to provide supporting data.

    All nomination materials must be combined into one PDF labeled the following way: the applicant's last name, first name, year. Example: Smith_John_2025. Using the nominators emich.edu credentials, materials must be submitted online* at https://emich.infoready4.com/ and must include:

    1. Online fillable form in InfoReady
    2. Personal Narrative addressing:
      1. Philosophy of teaching
      2. Commitment to students in the classroom and in the EMU community
      3. Summaries of course and curricular innovations developed/used by the nominee
      4. Professional development activities connected directly to classroom practices
    3. A current CV
    4. Representative syllabi from two different courses
    5. Two letters of support from individuals who are familiar with the nominee’s teaching credentials and performance.
    6. Formal evaluations by departments (classroom observations, etc.), if available.
    7. Additional materials deemed relevant to illustrate the nominee’s quality of teaching may be included.

    *Nominators do not have to complete the nomination in one sitting—nomination packages can be started, saved, and then completed at another time.

Rev. Nov. 24