How to Donate to the EMU Center for Jewish Studies
It would be impossible for EMU Jewish Studies to function without help from members of our community. Donors and Supporters provide much of the assistance for the Jewish Studies lecture series, class development, faculty research, and student scholarships.
Those wishing to donate can do so here, simply fill out that you would like the support the Center for Jewish Studies as a general donation. Listed below are various specific locations where you can direct your donation and know exactly what it will be used for. Thank you for your generosity!
Giving Opportunities
Jewish Studies Development Fund
The Jewish Studies Development Fund is an expendable account supporting the daily operation of EMU’s Jewish Studies Program; it helps to fund the Lecture/Performance Series, student research and travel, and faculty development; it creates opportunities for collaboration across multiple platforms, both within the university and beyond.
Center for Jewish Studies Life & Legacy Endowment
The intent of the Life and Legacy Endowment is to provide a solid foundation on which EMU’s Center for Jewish Studies can prosper and grow, offering innovative and exciting programming to the EMU community, faculty, students, and staff.
Jewish Studies Student Support
Focusing specifically on immediate needs, this fund provides financial support for both undergraduate and graduate students whose work has been accepted at regional, national or international conferences; it also allows students to travel either domestically or abroad for research opportunities.
The Art and Mary Schuman Endowment for Jewish Studies Lectures and Performances
Named for founding Board members Art and Mary Schuman, this fund provides an
annual grant to support a Center for Jewish Studies lecture or performance.
Lerner Family Endowed Scholarship in Jewish Studies
Provides a scholarship to an outstanding undergraduate who is presenting on a topic connected with Jewish Studies at an EMU conference (such as the Undergraduate Symposium), or at a regional, national, or international conference.
Lerner Family Expendable Scholarship in Jewish Studies
Offers immediate support to augment the Lerner Family Endowed Scholarship to a student whose needs exceed that available in the Lerner Family endowed fund.
Martin Shichtman Endowment for Jewish Studies
The intent of the Martin Shichtman Endowment is to establish a platform on which the Center for Jewish Studies will be able to support, in perpetuity, the Lecture/Performance Series, student research and travel, faculty development, and course creation.
The Sandra Shichtman Dabrusin Endowment for Faculty Pedagogy and Research Support in Jewish Studies
Provides an annual grant to an EMU faculty member whose teaching or scholarship enriches the field of Jewish Studies.
The Donna Winkelman and Thomas Easthope Endowed Scholarship in Jewish Studies
Named for founding CJS Board members, Donna Winkelman and Thomas Easthope, this scholarship is awarded to students participating in domestic and international travel experiences through the EMU Center for Jewish Studies.