Math Tutoring FAQs

  • What classes can you help with? Expand dropdown
    We are very happy to help you with your MATH and STAT prefix courses! On a daily basis we can provide assistance with the following courses:
    MATH 325 and below
    STAT 360 and below
    for other courses, please call and ask for availability
  • How do I check in or schedule an appointment? Expand dropdown
    When you first walk into our brick and mortar lab in 411 Pray Harrold, you will be asked to sign in at the front desk. Here you will give the first part of your emich email. If you have never been to the lab before, we will register you in with your name, and class. Then just sign in and out with your email!

    As you progress through classes each semester, make sure to remind us that your class has changed. We like to know how to best help you, and knowing which class you are in is one way of doing that!

    To schedule an online appointment you will book though the website. Make sure to include the class you are seeking assistance with so that the tutor may best prepare for the session.
  • Can I check out resources to use at home? Expand dropdown
    We do keep copies of the MATH and STAT textbooks in 411 Pray Harrold available for students to check out and use. We also have graphing calculators students may check out by exchanging their keys or their phone.

    At this time, we do not allow the material to leave the offices.

    If you are in need of a calculator for class, we encourage you to let your instructor know - perhaps they can bring an extra. You are able to take photos of the textbooks if you need a quick reference. But they must stay in the Lab.
  • Can you help with my homework? Expand dropdown

    We do help with homework of all kinds. Math Lab tutors will work with students to solve difficult problems or help them understand difficult concepts, assuming students have attempted to do so on their own prior to visiting the Lab.

    Tutors do not give answers or do homework or graded assignments for students. We want this to be a collaborative learning environment. Students have access to scrap paper and are encouraged to use the white boards.

    We have computers available so that students may access their online courses and material.

    Tutors are unable to help with take home exams/quizzes and projects that professors specifically ask us not to help with.

  • How should I prepare to for tutoring? Expand dropdown

    Students should prepare by:

    • Going to class, listening attentively, taking notes, and asking questions to clarify misunderstandings
    • Reviewing notes, practicing problems, and reading the textbook
    • Attempting problems on their own before seeking help
    • Preparing specific questions regarding their course material
    • Making a genuine effort to do the work prior to coming to the Lab
    • Bringing a pencil/pen, paper, textbook, notebook, current assignment, and any necessary or previous work with them to the Lab
  • What should I expect of tutors? Expand dropdown

    Students should expect tutors to:

    • Listen attentively and carefully
    • Help them identify difficulties they are having and develop strategies for addressing them
    • Help them identify and use the strengths they have to master difficult materials
    • Help them work toward a genuine ability to solve problems and arrive at correct answers on their own
    • Give them time to work independently
    • Help them learn successful study strategies
  • What should students know before coming to tutoring? Expand dropdown

    Students should know that:

    • Another tutor may have to take over if the current tutor’s shift is over or a tutor needs assistance
    • Some tutors may need to move to another students, but this does not mean that tutors are refusing to help
    • Tutors may rotate among several students when the Lab is busy
    • Students may be asked to join a group working on similar material
    • Tutors do not know everything pertaining to a courses they tutor, as many are also students, but instructors can be consulted during their office hours
  • What is appropriate behavior in the Lab? Expand dropdown

    Appropriate behavior includes:

    • Coming to the Lab ready to work
    • Participating actively in the tutoring session by listening, responding and doing practice sets, and reflecting and asking specific questions to enhance understanding
    • Having patience for the tutoring process
    • Treating all tutors and other students with respect and civility
    • Not distracting or disturbing others
    • Not talking on cell phones in the Lab
  • I have math anxiety- What do I do? Expand dropdown

    Math anxiety is sometimes a major roadblock to learning mathematics successfully. In general, anxiety can be thought of as  fear-based responses such as anger, despair, avoidance, negative self-talk, etc.  These are responses are unpleasant and distract you from your goal of learning. Fortunately,  you can learn to manage these fears so that you can focus all of your attention on the mathematics you need to understand.

    The tutoring staff is happy to talk to you about conquering your anxiety and point to resources! In time, you will you be able to:

    • Identify and acknowledge your fears (e.g., "I'm scared I'm going to fail.").
    • Replace negative self talk with more realistic (and positive) statements.
    • Develop a study plan for understanding the mathematics you need to learn and put it into operation.
    • Develop a plan for dealing with the physical aspects of anxiety (e.g., exercise, caffeine deprivation, relaxation techniques, etc.).
    • Develop methods of dealing with test anxiety
  • What is the best way to study for my math class? Expand dropdown

    For best results in your math class, you need to develop a plan of study and stick to it. It's best if you can develop your plan before your math course begins, but it's never too late! Here are some activities we suggest you include in your plan.

    • Make sure you have the prerequisites for the class you are taking.
    • Select a section of the class which is offered at a time you are most alert (if possible).
    • Devote a great deal of time and energy to the class from the first day.
    • Attend every class.
    • Sit front and center in the classroom.
    • Take good class notes.
        • Date your notes and include chapter and section references to your textbook for each topic.
        • Leave a 2-inch margin on the left side of each page so that you can add examples, comments, and clarifications when you go back over your notes.
        • Write down everything your instructor writes and as much as you can of what s/he says.
        • Keep writing even when you don't understand what is being said. After class talk to the teacher about the material you don't understand and revise your notes.
    • Review and revise your notes as soon as possible after class--certainly within 24 hours.
    • Study related textbook sections. Examine worked examples, cover them up, and rework them.
    • Do homework problems as soon as possible--certainly before the next class period. Make sure to do problems of all difficulty levels.
    • Ask your instructor or a tutor questions about any notes, text material, or problems you don't understand.
    • Make a separate study plan for math tests. Start preparing at least one week before the test.

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