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EMU Math Leap helps address the barriers students may experience in completing the math requirements for their major. Check it out!
Happy Black History Month! Here are some places you can learn more about Black mathematicians and statisticians, historical and modern.
- The Center for Minorities in Mathematics presents the podcast Mathematically Uncensored, hosted by Dr. Pamela E. Harris and Dr. Aris Winger. Join Pamela and Aris for a conversation on the current events and issues for minorities in the mathematical sciences.
- The mission of the Center for Minorities in Mathematics is to disrupt the perception of who can do mathematics successfully by providing a nationally pronounced channel for community and scientific content, resources and programming, which is robust and supportive, for people of color pursuing degrees or careers in mathematics.
- Mathematically Gifted and Black, featuring the accomplishments of black scholars in the mathematical sciences.
- Black Heroes of Maths free download poster, from the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences
- Black Heroes of Maths web version, from the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences
- Black History Month video, created by Sara Lynne Schultz, Coordinator of the EMU Math Tutoring Center
- The National Association of Mathematicians promotes excellence in the mathematical sciences and promotes the mathematical development of all underrepresented minority mathematicians and mathematics students.
- In Honor of Black History, from the American Mathematical Society
- Resources for Black Mathematicians Month, from the website of Dr. Kristopher Childs
- Mathematicians of the African Diaspora, dedicated to promoting and highlighting the contributions of members of the African diaspora to mathematics, especially contributions to current mathematical research.
- Mathematicians of the African Diaspora Twitter Pages
- History of Black Women in Mathematics and Black Women in the Mathematical Sciences
- Black Mathematical Excellence: A Q&A with Erica Walker, an article in Scientific American about Erica Walker's book Beyond Banneker: Black Mathematicians and the Paths to Excellence.
- Mac Tutor African Mathematicians Biographies
- Changing the Equation: 50+ US Black Women in STEM book and video by Tonya Bolden
Mission and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
The mission of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics is to instill an appreciation of the intrinsic beauty, the diverse origins, and the practical aspects of mathematics and statistics.
To this end, the department:
- provides students well-balanced academic programs at the baccalaureate and master's degree levels;
- functions as a scholarly unit promoting faculty and student research; and
- serves as a resource for mathematical expertise to the university and to the larger community.
More specifically, the department dedicates itself to:
- providing the highest quality educational experience possible to undergraduate and graduate students within the majors and minors in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics and to students enrolled in General Education Program courses and service courses for other programs;
- fostering involvement in research by both students and faculty; and
- providing meaningful service to the EMU academic community, to the disciplines of our faculty, to the broader mathematical and statistical community, and to the local and regional communities.
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics supports the Diversity and Inclusion statement of the College of Arts and Sciences.
One of the responsibilities of a public university is to instantiate the ideals of equity, freedom, and justice, while cultivating a well-informed populace capable of critical thinking and creative innovation. In service to these principles, the EMU College of Arts and Sciences recognizes that it is only through fostering a diverse and affirming campus community that includes all students, instructors, staff, and faculty that these goals might be achieved. In the interest of accomplishing these ends, the College shall endeavor, within each of its represented disciplines, to more fully account for the contributions or counter-narratives of previously neglected and marginalized groups, including but not limited to groups who differ by race and ethnicity, country of origin, class, sex, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, age, and the intersection of these identities.
The Department of Mathematics supports the Black Lives Matter statement of the Michigan Mathematical Association of America (MAA).
The Michigan MAA supports Black Lives Matter and dismantling systems of racism and oppression. The Michigan MAA Statement on Black Lives affirms our support of the broader movement to end racial injustice and suggests ways that Michigan MAA members can foster justice and equity within their mathematical communities. This statement offers suggestions for making classrooms inclusive and equitable, learning about race and ethnicity in mathematics, and supporting organizations dedicated to racial justice and equity within the mathematics community.
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Eastern Michigan University is a departmental/institutional member of the National Association of Mathematicians, the Association for Women in Mathematics, the Mathematical Association of America, and the American Mathematical Society.
Program Spotlights
Whether you have enjoyed math so far and want to spread the joy, or you haven't liked your math classes and want to improve how math is taught, consider being a K12 math teacher! Talk with Dr. Gabriela Dumitrascu about EMU's elementary education program or with Dr. Steve Blair about our secondary education program (middle- and high-school). Find more details at this site:
Learn more about a major in Data Science and Analytics. Talk with Dr. Andrew Ross.