
James M. Smith, Ph.D.

Rhonda Longworth, Ph.D.

Doris Fields
Associate Provost & VP for Academic Programming and Initiatives (I)

Walter Kraft
Vice President, Communications

Scott Wetherbee
Vice President, Intercollegiate Athletics

Vicki Reaume
Vice President and Secretary to the Board of Regents
Interim Vice President, Government and Community Relations

Dwight Hamilton
Chief Diversity Officer

Katie Condon
Vice President for Enrollment Management

Lauren London
General Counsel

Matthew Lige
Executive Director of Public Safety and Chief of Police, Public Safety

Ron Woody
Chief Information Officer, Information Technology

Leigh Greden
Chief of Staff
Governing body
Board of Regents
Visit the Regents site.
Chad Newton
ChairNathan K. Ford
Vice ChairAnupam Chugh Sidhu
Marques Thomey
Michael Hawks
Jessie Kimbrough, MD, MPH
Alexander Simpson
Eunice Jeffries