April 17, 2012 Meeting Schedule
Please note: Personal signatures within PDF documents have been redacted to protect these individuals from electronic identity theft.
Individual Documents
Tab A: Open Communications
Tab B: President's Report
Section 1: Resolution: Women's Basketball Team
Section 2: Resolution: Tavelyn James
Section 3: Resolution: Men's Swimming and Diving Team/Buck Smith
Section 4: Resolution: Men's Basketball Team/Coach Rob Murphy
Section 5: Resolution: Presidential Awards for Advancing Eastern Michigan University
Section 6: Resolution: Undergraduate Symposium
Section 7: Proposed Minutes of the February 21, 2012 Regular Board Meeting
Consent Agenda
Section 8: Emeritus Faculty Recommendations
Section 9: Staff Appointments
Section 10: Staff Separations/Retirements
Regular Agenda
Student Affairs Committee
Section 11: Reports and Minutes
Athletic Affairs Committee
Section 12: Reports and Minutes
Faculty Affairs Committee
Section 13: Report and Minutes
Educational Policies Committee
Section 14: Report and Minutes
Section 15: 2012-2013 Sabbatical Leave Awards
Section 16: Summer 2012, Fall 2012, and Winter 2013 Faculty Research Fellowships
Section 17: Undergraduate Research Stimulus Program Awards, Summer 2012
Section 18: Adoption of Public School Academy Board of Director Method of Selection Resolution
Finance, Audit and Investment Committee
Section 19: Informational Reports and Financial Updates
Section 20: FY2012-13 Room, Board and Apartment Rates
Section 21: OMB Circular A-133 Supplementary Financial Reports for the Year Ended June 30, 2011
Section 22: Modification of Board Policy on Red Flags Rule
New Business
Section 23: Policy Update: Emeritus Staff Status 3.4:2.4
Section 24: Approval of the Management Agreement for Eagle Crest Corporate Education Center and Banquet Facility between Eastern Michigan University and MFS Ypsilanti Holdings, LLC
Section 25: Approval of Second Amended and Restated Joint Operating Agreement between Eastern Michigan University and MFS Ypsilanti Holdings, LLC
Section 26: Appointment of Board of Regents Ad-Hoc Committee on Negotiations
Chairman's Comments