February 5, 2016 Meeting Schedule
Please note: Personal signatures within PDF documents have been redacted to protect these individuals from electronic identity theft.
Individual Documents
- Agenda
- Call to Order
- Roll Call Attendance
- Section 1 [PDF]: Proposed Minutes of the December 8, 2015 General Board Meeting
- Section 2 [PDF]: Proposed Minutes of the December 21, 2015 Special Board Meeting
Consent Agenda
- Section 3 [PDF]: Staff Appointments
- Section 4 [PDF]: Staff Separations/Retirements
- Section 5 [PDF]: Emeritus Staff Recommendations
- Section 6 [PDF]: Academic Affairs Administrative/Professional Appointments/Transfers
- Section 7 [PDF]: Academic Retirements/Separations
- Section 8 [PDF]: Emeritus Faculty Recommendations
Regular Agenda
Student Affairs Committee
Section 9 [PDF]: Reports and Minutes
Faculty Affairs Committee
Section 10 [PDF]: Reports and Minutes
Athletic Affairs Committee
Section 11 [PDF]: Reports and Minutes
Educational Policies Committee
- Section 12 [PDF]: Reports and Minutes
- Section 13 [PDF]: 2014-15 Charter Schools Annual Report
- Section 14 [PDF]: 2016-17 Provost's New Faculty Research Awards
- Section 15 [PDF]: New Major: Fermentation Science
- Section 16 [PDF]: Commencement Speaker and Honorary Degree Recipient
Finance and Investment Committee
- Section 17 [PDF]: Reports and Minutes
- Section 18 [PDF]: FY17 Capital Budget and Three-Year Capital Expenditure Projection
- Section 19 [PDF]: OMB Circular A-133 Supplementary Financial Reports for Year Ending June 30, 2015
New Business and Presentations
- Section 20 [PDF]: Recommendation to Authorize the Application for Exempt Status Under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
- Section 21 [PDF]: Interlocal Agreement between the Board of Regents of Eastern Michigan University and the School District for the City of Detroit
- Section 22 [PDF]: President's Report
- Section 23: Open Communications
- Comments from the Chair
- Adjournment