November 1, 2016 Meeting Schedule
- 9-9:45 a.m.: Athletic Affairs Committee, Room 201
- 9-9:45 a.m.: Educational Policies, Room 205
- 10-10:45 a.m.: Student Affairs Committee, Room 201
- 10-10:45 a.m.: Faculty Affairs Committee, Room 205
- 11-11:45 a.m.: Finance and Investment Committee, Room 201
- 1 p.m. Regular Board Meeting, Room 201
Individual Documents
- Agenda
- Call to Order
- Roll Call Attendance
- Section 1: Proposed Minutes of the September 30, 2016 Special Board Meeting
Consent Agenda
- Section 2: Staff Appointments
- Section 3: Staff Separations/Retirements
- Section 4: Emeritus Staff Recommendations
- Section 5: Faculty Appointments
- Section 6: Academic Retirements and Separations
- Section 7: Emeritus Faculty Recommendations
Regular Agenda
Student Affairs Committee
- Section 8: Report and Minutes
Athletic Affairs Committee
- Section 9: Report and Minutes
- Section 9A: Resolution: Men's Cross Country MAC Champions
- Section 9B: Resolution: Women's Cross Country MAC Champions
Faculty Affairs Committee
- Section 10: Report and Minutes
Educational Policies Committee
- Section 11: Report and Minutes
- Section 12: Charter Schools Board Member Appointments
- Section 13: Commencement Speaker and Honorary Degree Recipients
- Section 14: Tenure for President James M. Smith
Finance and Investment Committee
- Section 15: Report and Minutes
- Section 16: Consolidated Financial Statements and Supplementary Information (June 30, 2016)
- Section 17: FY2017-2018 General Fund Scholarships, Awards, and Grants Request
- Section 18: Bond Financing
New Business and Presentations
- Section 19: Updated Board Policy: 3.1.13: Health Information Privacy
- Section 20: Updated Board Policy: Undergraduate Grades and Academic Progress
- Section 21: Update to Board Policy: 8.1: Student Conduct Code and Judicial Structure
- Section 22: Amendment to the Bylaws of Eagle Administrative Services
- Section 23: Appointment of Eagle Administrative Services Board Members
- Section 24: President’s Report
- Section 25: Presentation: Presidential Scholars
- Section 26: Board of Regents Meeting Dates for 2017
- Section 27: Open Communications
- Comments from the Chair
- Adjournment