Historical Overview

  • June 9, 2008

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    Women...An Emerging Force in Philanthropy
    Presentation by Sondra Shaw-Hardy, co-founder, Women’s Philanthropy Institute, Sponsored by the EMU Foundation
  • Mid-2008 through Mid-2009

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    Conversations take place between various individuals at the EMU Foundation (Jill Hunsberger, Laura Thomas, Kelly Quilter, Susan Rink) and EMU women (Jaclynn Tracy, Karen Paciorek, Donna Schmitt-Oliver) about the possibility of initiating a philanthropic group of women focused on EMU.
  • August 27, 2009

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    Conference call with Discovery-Ball State University, a women’s philanthropy group affiliated with Ball State University. EMU participants: Jackie Tracy, Karen Paciorek, Susan Rink, Laura Thomas, Kelly Quilter, and Donna Schmitt-Oliver.
  • October 28, 2009

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    The first formal planning meeting for Women in Philanthropy at EMU was held with the following participants: Linda Pritchard, Margo Dichtelmiller, Laura Thomas, Jackie Tracy, Karen Paciorek, Kelly Quilter, Jill Hunsberger, & Donna Schmitt-Oliver.

    A mission statement was drafted, strategies for inviting people to become founding members were initiated, and a timeline for developing a critical mass established.

  • December, 2009. April 5, 2010

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    Four formal meetings of the planning/steering group were held: December 2, 2009; February 15, 2010; March 15, 2010; April 5, 2010. Specifics about the purpose and functioning of the group were determined and a public announcement “roll-out” date of April 19, 2010 was chosen to coincide with EMU Campaign Kickoff event. The target of 33 charter (founding) memberships was set for the group to provide a total gift of $100,000 for the university campaign.
  • April 19, 2010

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    Women in Philanthropy at Eastern Michigan University made its first public announcement and pledge of $105,000 from 35 charter memberships (including one dual membership), and one ex-officio membership, for a total of 37 individuals. (Charter memberships’ names are listed on the attached brochure.)
  • May 8, 2010

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    Inaugural Membership meeting and announcement of the first cycle of grant applications was held. All charter members invited to serve on the Executive Committee or serve on one of the committees. A volunteer executive committee for the group for the first year until a formal constitution is approved:

    • Co-chairs: Jackie Tracy & Donna Schmitt-Oliver
    • Secretary: Kelly Quilter
    • Treasurer: Bernice Lindke
    • Awards’ Comm Co-chairs: Linda Pritchard & Margo Dichtelmiller
    • Outreach Comm Chair: Karen Paciorek
    • Program Comm Chair: Laura Thomas
    • At-Large: Nina Contis & Lynette Findley
  • June, 2010

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    Conference Presentation

    At the Michigan ACE Network for Women Leaders in Higher Education conference at MSU, Jackie Tracy, Linda Pritchard, Donna Schmitt-Oliver, and Kelly Quilter presented on the group's formation and goals.

    Executive Committee Inaugural Meeting

    Key tasks include:

    • Developing Constitution and By-Laws
    • Enacting 2010 grants application and awards process
    • Increasing membership
    • Publishing efforts in print and electronic media
  • November-December, 2010

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    Fall Dinner Meeting

    Tracy Gary, author of Inspired Philanthropy, presented on maximizing impact, followed by roundtable discussions. The organization announced its first 10 grants totaling $41,000.

    Keynote Address

    Tracy Gary spoke to WIP members and invited guests, including AAUW, EMU Women’s Commission, EMU Foundation, and the Michigan ACE group.

    Presentation on the group was given to the EMU Board of Regents by Awards’ Comm Co-Chair, Linda Pritchard.

  • November-March, 2011

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    Fall Membership Meeting

    Held at University House, EMU. The second round of 13 grants, totaling $47,644.15, was announced. The group also formally adopted its Constitution and By-Laws.

    Margo Dichtelmiller, Karen Paciorek, Linda Pritchard, Donna Schmitt-Oliver, and Jackie Tracy were honored as Distinguished Volunteers by the Association of Fundraising Professionals Greater Detroit Chapter, nominated by WIP at EMU.

    Meeting of the Executive Committee held. The phrase Strengthening, Educating, and Giving to the EMU Community was officially approved as the tagline for WIP @ EMU.

    Nominating committee for May election was appointed: Jill Hunsberger, Linda Polter, and Nancie Loppnow.

  • May 17, 2012

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    Spring Membership meeting held.
    The By-Laws were amended to modify the voting processes used for election of officers.
    The first formal election under the Constitution resulted in the following officers and their terms:

    • Co-Presidents: Jackie Tracy & Donna Schmitt-Oliver, 2012-14
    • Vice President: Anne Balazs, 2012-13
    • Secretary: Kelly Quilter, 2012-14
    • Treasurer: Bernice Lindke, 2012-13
    • Program Committee Co-Chairs: Glenna Frank Miller & Grace Stevick, 2012-14
    • Awards Committee Co-Chairs: Margo Dichtelmiller & Linda Pritchard, 2012-13
    • Outreach Committee Chair: Karen Paciorek, 2012-14
    • At-Large Representative: Lynette Findley, 2012-14
    • At-Large Representative: Nina Contis, 2012-13
    • Liaison to the EMU Foundation: Laura Thomas.
  • November 14, 2012

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    Nina Contis, Lynette Findley, and Bernice Lindke were recognized at the National Philanthropy Day Dinner by the Association of Fundraising Professionals Greater Detroit Chapter as a Distinguished Volunteer in 2012 (as nominated by Women in Philanthropy at EMU).
  • May 16, 2013

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    Spring Membership meeting held
    A discussion was held regarding the desirability of establishing an endowment fund for the organization
    The following officers were elected for positions that were due:

    • Vice President: Anne Balazs, 2013-15
    • Treasurer: Rhonda Longworth, 2013-15
    • Awards Committee Co-Chairs: Margo Dichtelmiller & Nina Contis,
    • 2013-15
    • At-Large Representative: Judith Mich, 2013-15.
  • July-December, 2013

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    Meetings of the Executive Committee held. Major items of discussion were a marketing plan and the development of a proposal for an endowment fund for the organization.

    Fall Membership meeting held at the University House, EMU.

    Amendments to both the Constitution and the By-Laws were approved. These established an endowment fund for the organization and also allowed members to apply for grant awards.

    Announcement of the fourth group of grants awarded by the organization: 9 grants totaling $35,862. (See attached list of grants.)

  • May 22,2014

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    Spring Membership meeting held.
    The following officers were elected for positions that were due:

    •  Co-Presidents: Jackie Tracy & Donna Schmitt-Oliver, 2014-16
    • Secretary: Nancy Halmhuber Navarre, 2014-16
    • Outreach Committee Co-Chairs: Karen Paciorek & Nora Martin, 2014-16
    • Program Committee Co-Chairs: Glenna Frank Miller & Kelly Quilter, 2014-16
    • At-Large Representative: Heather Neff, 2014-16.
  • October- December, 2014

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    K. Paciorek and L. Pritchard from the Executive Committee participated in a roundtable discussion sponsored by Denise Illitch and the Ambassador Magazine in Detroit regarding the topic of Teaching People to Give/The Importance of Philanthropy.

    Fall Membership meeting held at the University House, EMU.

    Presentations from 3 grants from the current year were made.

    Announcement of the fifth group of grants awarded for the coming year by the organization: 10 grants totaling $43,840. (See attached list of grants.)

  • May, 2015

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    WIP members, along with EMU and community guests, celebrated five years of achievements: over $260,000 donated, 71 members, and 53 grants awarded. A video showcasing these milestones was presented.

    Sondra Shaw-Hardy gave a keynote on women’s role in philanthropy and sustainability efforts.

    Officers elected for 2015-17:

    • Vice President: Anne Balazs
    • Treasurer: Rhonda Longworth
    • Awards Committee Co-Chairs: Nina Contis & Linda Pritchard
    • At-Large Representative: Judith Mich
  • July 23, 2015

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    Retreat & Planning Meeting was held by Executive Committee. Major topics included membership status and numbers, operating fund levels, written report form for grants, review of information from the 5th Anniversary celebration, determination of goals for 2015-16, and the meeting schedule for the coming year. Rae Ann Yuskowatz was welcomed as an ex-officio member of the group representing the EMU Foundation.

  • December 3, 2015

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    Fall Membership meeting held at the University House, EMU.

    Announcement was made that Charter Member Margo Dichtelmiller has become the first individual to become an Lifetime Member of WIP by making a contribution of $10,000 to the Endowment Fund of WIP.

    Presentations from 3 grants from the current year were made.

    Announcement of the sixth group of grants awarded for the coming year by the organization: 11 grants totaling
    $45,095. (See attached list of grants.)

  • May 12, 2016

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    Spring Membership meeting held.

    The following officers were elected for board positions:

    • President: Anne Balazs, 2016-18
    • Vice President: Jackie Tracy, 2016-17 (complete unexpired term)
    • Secretary: Sally Rosales, 2016-18
    • Outreach Committee Co-Chairs: Karen Paciorek & Nora Martin, 2016-18
    • Program Committee Co-Chairs: Glenna Frank Miller & Kelly Quilter, 2016-18
    • At-Large Representative: Peggy Liggitt, 2016-18.

    The first Lifetime Member of WIP, Margo Dichtelmiller, was honored by having one WIP grant each year named in her honor, beginning with the next (7th) cycle of grants for the year 2017.

  • September 14, 2016

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    Exec Bd. Mtg, Karen Paciorek reported reported 73 voting members since WIP inception, 42 current voting members, 3 non‐voting members & 28 former members. Grant evaluation committee scheduled meeting. Publicity posted on OrgSync & with student organizations in addition at the faculty development center – thanks to Sally & Peggy, and to Anne for development of the WIP poster. Grant application platform/process to be transferred. Grant workshops under leadership of Linda, Nina & Anne.

  • October 26, 2016

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    Exec Bd Mtg ‐ Two successful grant workshops in September. 42 grant applications received, 14 from student orgs. Presentation of new donor categories by strategic planning committee: Platinum $1000 or more, Gold $500–$999, Silver $250–$499, Bronze $1–$249. Other recommendations to be considered as part of the upcoming university capital campaign. Utilized new grant platform for applications & voting. Process to be integrated for next cycle.

  • December 1, 2016

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    Fall, 2016 Membership Mtg – Voted to amend bylaws & constitution to reflect new donor categories. President Smith’s wife, Dr. Connie Ruhl‐Smith addresses the membership. Door prize proceeds for the operating fund successful ‐ $485. Announcement of 10 new grant awards totaling $40,235.

  • April -May, 2017

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    2017 Grant Workshop

    Workshop dates and Awards Committee meeting times announced for Oct 23 or 24, with voting from Nov 3–13. WIP received a $2,000 grant for operations as part of the second year of the 5-year EMU Enhancement Program Grant.

    Spring Membership Meeting

    Held at McKenny. Dr. Linda Pritchard was honored with the 2nd Endowed Lifetime Membership. Donna Schubert’s six years as WIP accountant and Tracy Pytlak’s work on the grant application transition were acknowledged.

  • November, 2017

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    Fall Membership Mtg – President Smith graciously welcomed the group to
    University House and recognized our continued commitment to the EMU
    community. We concluded a successful 2018 grant application cycle
    receiving 32 applications & awarding 11 new grants.

  • January - May, 2018

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    Movement of the grant submission/review process to the InfoReady
    platform housed in the Graduate Dean’s Office. Linda Pritchard presented
    & appealed to the Alumni Board to become an organizational member of
    WIP. Spring Membership meeting held, third endowed member announced,
    Jackie Tracy.

  • June- December, 2018

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    Committee formed to begin plans for the WIP 10 th Anniversary Celebration.
    Bylaw changes passed to create a WIP organizational membership
    category and to invite WIP presidents to remain on the executive
    committee contingent on their announcement in June of each year. New
    endowed WIP members acknowledged – Maureen Thomas & Michelle
    Crumm (#4 & #5).

  • January - May, 2019

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    Spring Membership Meeting held May 9, 2019, great success. Our 5 th
    Endowed Member, Maureen Thomas present to receive recognition.

  • June - December, 2019

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    Extensive planning taking place for the WIP 10 th Anniversary Event
    scheduled for May 20, 2020.Reflected on the 5 th Anniversary Event.
    Discussions & updates on the University Campaign and our interface with
    it. Eleven grants awarded at the Fall Membership meeting for a total of

  • January – May, 2020

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    Tremendous effort continued toward the planning of WIP 10 th Anniversary
    Celebration. Two additional endowed memberships (#6 & #7) were secured
    - Peggy Liggit & Rhonda Longworth. The energy toward an even higher
    goal prevailed and Donna Schmitt-Oliver, Colleen Croxall, Connie Ruhl-

    Smith & Bill/Cindy Shepard committed to becoming #8, #9, #10 & #11
    endowed members.


  • June – December, 2020

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    Pandemic is fully upon us and continues to influence all
    conversations/discussions. Postponement of 10 th Anniversary Celebration
    & rescheduling of WIP Executive Board Retreat to late summer. Meetings
    still taking place via Zoom. Grant applications down due to pandemic,
    discussed alternate funding cycle. Six grants, all funded. Our amazing
    Sally Rosales who served as treasurer and grant administrator has
    resigned. Pandemic Punch is the signature cocktail for the Fall 2020
    Membership Zoom Meeting.

  • January – May, 2021

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    April Marshall named our new grant administrator. Sally Rosales
    generously agreed to train her for the position. Spring, 2021 membership
    meeting remains via zoom. Still in postponement phase for 10 th Anniversary

  • June – December, 2021

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    November, 2021 Jackie Tracy had the EMU Program Enhancement
    Expendable Fund #RX5245 & the EMU Program Enhancement
    Endowment (01835/70265/RE5245) transferred in full to the WIP Operating
    Fund Endowment.

    Fall, 2021 Membership Meeting still virtual held on November 29, 2021.
    Over 30 applications received with 11 awards made for $47,318. 60% of
    our membership voted on the awards! Dr’s. James & Connie Ruhl-Smith
    were saddened that the fall membership event could not be held at
    University House due to Covid restrictions.

  • January – May, 2022

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    All meetings have remained via Zoom. Narrowing in on a 10 th Anniversary
    celebration. Newest endowed membership announcements, Ellene Contis,
    Karen Paciorek & Beth Kubitskey (#12, #13 & #14 ). President Smith
    overjoyed with the status of the Give Rise Campaign.

  • June 2022- December, 2022

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    Began hosting on campus board meetings. In person grant workshops
    scheduled. 10 th Anniversary Celebration announced to be held the morning
    following the Give Rise Campaign close on Friday, June 9 th , 2022. (Only 3
    years late)!


  • January – May 20, 2023

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    Great turnout for the EMU Basketball Game, many thanks to the
    Foundation for the use & support of the their Suite. Plans in full gear for our
    Anniversary Event. Kudos to all who contributed present & past to working
    to make this event a success.

    Linda Pritchard, founding & endowed WIP member to receive the Dr. John
    Porter Distinguished Service Award at the Alumni Awards Banquet this
    spring. A WIP table to support & acknowledge Linda.
    Nancie N. Loppnow Endowment for WIP established(#15).

  • June - December, 2023

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    “Decade Collective Cultivation Event” was FINALLY held June 9 th , 2023 at
    10:00am. Featured speakers included Rhonda Longworth, Karen Paciorek
    and Renee Laginess-O’Neill. OUTSTANDING, well attended event!
    New VP for Advancement, Mahar Salah, attends & is introduced at the
    September WIP Executive Board meeting.
    Fall Membership Meeting held on November 30, 2023. Very will attended.
    Outstanding grant presentations. Twenty-four grant applications received,
    12 awarded for $45,000. WIP giving well over half a million dollars now!

  • January – May, 2024

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    Revisited our past & the value of our membership meetings and how they
    can be used to cultivate membership. Crowd messaging conversations as it
    relates to communications efforts. Significant loses on our Executive Board
    this year, Nora Martin & Karen Paciorek. Their tenure & commitment to the
    board has been phenomenal!!! Discussion about creation of a WIP
    Founder’s Forum.

  • June – December, 2024

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    Energy from new board members providing the momentum to upcharge our
    focus on recruitment of new members and focus on

    media/communications with significant effort on our website. Velvet Harris
    replacing Tracy Pytlak as our InfoReady administrator. Treasurer’s reports
    to be prepared by the Foundation for October & March meetings only.


  • May 2024

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    During the May 2024 Spring Meeting, President Molly Motherwell thanked our endowed membership for their dedication.  This includes the following: 

    • Ellene Contis
    • Colleen Croxall
    • Michelle Crumm
    • Margo Dichtelmiller
    • Beth Kubitskey
    • Peggy Liggit
    • Rhonda Longworth
    • Nancie Loppnow
    • Karen Paciorek
    • Linda Pritchard
    • Connie Ruhl-Smith
    • Donna Schmitt Oliver
    • Maureen Thomas
    • Jackie Tracy


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