Membership Options

There are several ways to get involved in Women in Philanthropy at EMU.

Table talking

  • Become a new voting member.
    • Make a commitment to contribute $1,000 per year for at least three years. Contact JillHunsberger for information:[email protected]
  • Become a non-voting member.
    • Choose the amount you wish to pledge as a non-voting member and help support the WIP mission.
  • Renew your membership.
    • Recommit to one year or more at $1,000 per year. Contact Jill Hunsberger for information: [email protected]
  • Recruit a member.
    • Speak to a friend or acquaintance one-on-one about the opportunity and the benefits to them and to EMU students, staff, faculty and alumni.
  • Spread the word.
    • Post a note on your Facebook page, your LinkedIn profile, or just talk it up among friends and colleagues.
  • Endowed Membership.
    • For a $25,000 donation, payable over five years, one would receive a lifetime voting membership, and the money in the endowed fund would be used for awarding WIP grants.
    •  If you are interested in becoming an endowed member, contact Jill Hunsberger via email at [email protected]
  • Join a committee.
    • Details of every committee are below.


Executive Committee

Directs group according to mission; sets meeting schedule; tracks funds available for awards

Composed of President, President Elect, Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, Committee Chairs, and at-large members

Contact: Jackie Tracy, [email protected]

Outreach Committee

Recruits new members; stewards existing members

Contact: Julia Heck, [email protected], Alexis Braun Marks [email protected], Jill Hunsberger, [email protected] 

Awards Committee

Oversees distribution of funds/awards

Contact: Beth Kubitksey, [email protected] or Andrea Zakrajsek, [email protected] 

Program Committee

Coordinates events and programs for Women in Philanthropy at EMU members

Contact: Brooke Boyst, [email protected]

regular Meeting

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