Andrea Gossett Zakrajsek

A photo of Andrea Gossett Zakrajsek

Associate Dean, Professor

Dean's Office; Health Sciences

206A Marshall


[email protected]


  • Occupational Therapy Doctor (OTD), University of Illinois at Chicago
  • MS, Occupational Therapy, University of Illinois at Chicago
  • BS, Occupational Therapy, Eastern Michigan University


  • Zakrajsek, A.G., Hammel, J., and Scazzero, J. (2014). Supporting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to participate in their communities through support staff pilot intervention. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 27, 154–162.
  • Zakrajsek, A.G., Schuster, E., Guenther, D., and Lorenz, K. (2013). Exploring older adult care transitions from hospital to home: A participatory action research project. Physical and Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, 31(4), 328344.
  • Mirza, M., Zakrajsek, A.G., and Borsci, S. (2012). The accessibility of the environments of AT use: Accessibility, sustainability and universal design. In Scherer, M. J. and Federici, S. (Eds.), Assistive Technology Assessment Handbook (pp. 6781). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Gossett, A., Mirza, M., Barnds, A., and Feidt, D. (2009). Beyond access: A case study on the intersection between accessibility, sustainability and universal design. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 4(6), 439450.
  • Mirza, M., Gossett, A., Chan, N.K., Burford, L., and Hammel, J. (2008). Community reintegration for people with psychiatric disabilities: Challenging systemic barriers to service provision and public policy through participatory action research. Disability & Society, 23(4), 323-336.
  • Hammel, J., Jones, R., Gossett, A., and Morgan, E. (2006). Examining barriers and supports to community living and participation after a stroke from a participatory action research approach. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 13(3), 4358.

Selected Presentations

  • Zakrajsek, A. (November, 2013). Community based participatory research in action: Making meaning of qualitative methods with community partners. Paper presented at the 66th Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • Yatczak, J. M., Zakrajsek, A., and Lemerand, P. (October, 2013). Using scholarship of teaching and learning to explore how students understand occupation: A curricular approach. Paper presented at the Twelfth Annual research conference of the Society for the Study of Occupation: USA, Lexington, Kentucky.
  • Zakrajsek, A. (October, 2013). Exploring trends in gerontology higher education in the United States. Paper presented at the International Trends in Health Care for Older Adults International Teleconference, Ypsilanti, Michigan.
  • Zakrajsek, A.G., Schuster, E., Grosh, J., and Senawi, L. (April, 2013) Transitioning home post-hospital: Collaborative project to support older adult transitions. Poster presented at the 2013 Aging in America Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Zakrajsek, A.G. and Schuster, E. (March, 2013). Researchers, students and service providers in partnership: Implementation of a community-based participatory research project to explore older adult transitions. Paper presented at the meeting of the 39th Association for Gerontology in Higher Education Annual Meeting and Educational Leadership Conference, St Petersburg, Florida.
  • Zakrajsek, A.G., Schuster, E., Grosh, J. and Senwai, L. (November, 2012). Coming home: A research project exploring and supporting older adult transitions from hospital to home. Paper presented at the Gerontological Society of America 65th Annual Scientific Meeting, San Diego, California.
  • Guenther, D., Lorenz, K., Natschke, A., Zukausky, A., Zakrajsek, A., and Schuster, E. (April, 2012). Coming home: Exploring and supporting transitions of older adults from hospital to home. Poster presented at the meeting of the American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference & Expo, Indianapolis, Indiana.
  • Zakrajsek, A., Yatczak, J., and Lemerand, L. (May, 2011). Strategizing SOTL throughout a curriculum: Lessons learned. Paper presented at the meeting of the SOTL Academy, Ypsilanti, Michigan.
  • Zakrajsek, A. G. (April, 2011). Evaluating and supporting cognitive accessibility for social inclusion: A case study of access with adults with developmental disabilities. Paper presented at the meeting of the 27th Annual Pacific Rim International Conference on Disabilities, Honolulu, Hawai'i.
  • Zakrajsek, A. G. (April, 2011). Towards an understanding of participation of older adults aging in the community. Poster presented at the meeting of the 27th Annual Pacific Rim International Conference on Disabilities, Honolulu, Hawai'i.
  • Zakrajsek, A.G. (January, 2011). Developing community participation opportunities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities: Implementation and testing of service provider intervention. Poster presented at the meeting of the Annual Community Mental Health Research Day, Detroit, Michigan.
  • Zakrajsek, A.G. [with Access Subcommittee] (January, 2011). Getting around: Understanding mobility of Wayne county residents with disabilities. Poster presented at the meeting of the Annual Community Mental Health Research Day, Detroit, Michigan.
  • Yatczak, J. Zakrajsek, A., and Lemerand, P. (May, 2010). Transfer of learning through an occupational therapy curriculum. Roundtable presented at the meeting of the SOTL Academy, Ypsilanti, Michigan.
  • Zakrajsek, A. (May, 2010). Using SOTL to develop and evaluate a new course: A case study. Paper presented at the meeting of the SOTL Academy, Ypsilanti, Michigan.
  • Lee, J. and Zakrajsek, A.G. (May, 2010). Community-based partnerships: Capacity-building evaluation with agencies that support adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Poster presented at the meeting of 15th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists, Santiago, Chile.
  • Zakrajsek, A.G. (May, 2010). Developing community participation opportunities for people with intellectual & developmental disabilities: Implementation and testing of service provider intervention. Poster presented at the meeting of 15th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists, Santiago, Chile.
  • Zakrajsek, A.G. (April, 2010). Developing and testing a movement and occupation course through a mixed methods process evaluation. Poster presented at the pre-pre-conference of the meeting of the American Occupational Therapy Association's 90th Annual Conference & Expo, Orlando, Florida.
  • Zakrajsek, A.G. (April, 2010). Exploring transportation participation with individuals with developmental and acquired disabilities. Paper presented at the meeting of the Michigan Center for Advancing Safe Transportation throughout the Lifespan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
  • Zakrajsek, A.G. (March, 2010). Exploring the participation needs of senior aging in the community. Poster presented at the meeting of Annual Conference of the National Council on Aging and American Society on Aging, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Curtin, Lamannis, and Gossett. (April, 2008). Win-win relationship: Collaboration between a community agency and university. Paper presented at the meeting of the Annual Convention of the Arc of Illinois and Autism Program, Lisle, Illinois.
  • Gossett, Hammel, and Jones. (April, 2008). Community participation by people who are aging with intellectual disabilities: Exploring strategies to support choice, control, and inclusion in community contexts. Workshop presented at the meeting of the American Occupational Therapy Association's 88th Annual Conference and Expo, Long Beach, California.
  • Gossett and Hammel. (April, 2008). Can home modifications impact community participation? Understanding impact of home modifications using a comparative case study approach. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Occupational Therapy Association's 88th Annual Conference and Expo, Long Beach, California.
  • Mirza, Gossett, and Barnds. (February, 2008). Supporting diversity in the built environment: A best practice case study of the intersection between access, universal design and sustainability. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Conference on Aging, Disability and Independence, St. Petersburg, Florida.
  • Hammel and Gossett. (February, 2008). Livable communities: A community-directed approach to evaluating accessibility, affordability, integration and safety of homes and communities. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Conference on Aging, Disability and Independence, St. Petersburg, Florida.
  • Gossett. (November, 2007). Supporting community participation with people with intellectual disabilities and their service providers. Paper presented at the meeting of the Illinois Occupational Therapy Association annual meeting, Naperville, Illinois.
  • Hammel, Smith, Price, Gossett, Barrera, and Barksdale. (April, 2007). Evaluating integrated affordable and accessible housing. Paper presented at the meeting of the Community-Campus Partnerships for Health, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
  • Gossett and Hammel. (March, 2007). Exploring the relationship between home modifications and community participation: A qualitative comparative case study approach. Paper presented at the meeting of the 2007 Joint Conference of the American Society on Aging and the National Council on Aging. Chicago, Illinois.
  • Mirza, Gossett, and Chan. (September, 2006). Community access and participation: A participatory action research project with people with psychiatric disabilities. Paper presented at the meeting of the UPENN Collaborative on Community Integration of Individuals with Psychiatric Disabilities: State of the Knowledge National Conference Promoting Community Integration for People with Psychiatric Disabilities, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  • Gossett, Mirza, and Chan. (June, 2006). Participatory action research and praxis: Mechanisms to challenge community-based service provision and public policy for people with psychiatric disabilities. Paper presented at the meeting of the 19th Annual Conference of the Society for Disability Studies, Washington D.C.
  • Barnds, Gossett, and Mirza. (June, 2006). Beyond access: An interdisciplinary analysis of the intersection between accessibility, sustainability and universal design. Paper presented at the meeting of the Planners Network Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Chan, Gossett and Mirza. (May, 2006). Community participation for people with psychiatric disabilities: Challenging systemic barriers to service provision and building supportive systems through participatory action research. Paper presented at the meeting of the Canadian Disability Studies Association 3rd Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
  • Gossett, Chan, and Mirza. (May, 2006). Combining qualitative research methodologies with grassroots advocacy to influence community-based service provision for people with psychiatric disabilities. Paper presented at the meeting of the Second International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana, Illinois.


  • OCTH 519 Programming for Adolescents and Adults
  • OCTH 619 Programming for Older Adults
  • OCTH 540 Research Methods in Occupational Therapy
  • OCTH 601 Current Topics in Occupational Therapy


Teaching Interests

  • Evidence-based practice
  • Assessment and intervention in OT practice with adults
  • Assessment and intervention in OT practice with older adults

Scholarly/Research Interests

  • Dr. Zakrajsek's scholarly work focuses on exploring participation and health issues of older adult and people with disabilities. She is particularly interested in applying participatory action research and community-based participatory research approaches in order to understand the individual and group experiences of participation with the purpose of working with project stakeholders towards systemic change.

Professional Awards, Recognition, Activities

  • 2012, Recipient of the Everett L. Marshall Fellow Award for Excellence in Teaching
  • 20092010, Fellow of the American Occupational Therapy Foundation Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Program
  • 2008, UIC Applied Health Sciences Achievement Award
  • 2007, UIC Applied Health Sciences Graduate Student Award

Funded Projects

  • Zakrajsek, A.G. (December, 2010). Coming Home: Collaborative Project Supporting Transitions of Older Adults from Hospital to Home. Award submitted to the Josephine Nevins Keal Professional Development Fund. 
  • Zakrajsek, A.G. (October, 2010). Coming home: Collaborative project supporting transitions of older adults from hospital to home. Internal Award submitted to Eastern Michigan University Faculty Research Fellowship. 
  • Gossett, A. (October, 2008). Exploring health needs of seniors aging in the community. Internal award submitted to Eastern Michigan University Provost's New Faculty Research Award.