
If you’re considering a career in nutrition or dietetics, you probably see a correlation between health and nutrition. Maybe you’ve witnessed a loved one develop type 2 diabetes or perhaps you’ve personally experienced the benefits of healthy eating in your own life. Whatever the case, you know this: health and nutrition go hand in hand.

We know human health is intimately related to the quality and variety of foods we consume. We think of nutrition and dietetics from the perspective of input and output. In order to enjoy a healthy life, it is essential for all people to have a deeper understanding of how the food that we consume (input) affects the performance of our bodies and our overall health (output).


A degree in dietetics culminating with the registered dietitian credential provides many options for employment. Job opportunities are available in the clinical area in hospitals, long-term care facilities, specialized healthcare settings, and insurance companies.

In addition, there are many opportunities in the community including positions in federal and state programs like the Women, Infant and Children’s Nutrition Program, Head Start and Area on Aging. The food service industry is also a place for employment including hospitals, long-term care facilities, corporate operations, and school systems. Other areas where dietitians provide their expertise is in sports nutrition, universities, private practice, research, writing, and other government agencies such as the FDA and the USDA.

For current information related to a career in dietetics, visit the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Hear From Our Recent Graduates:


Laura F, Distance-Online Graduate

When searching for dietetics programs I saw in the program description that an Integrative Medicine course was included and knew that this was the program I wanted to be a part of. After finishing this class, I want to state that I appreciated and truly LOVED this course! I learned SO much through this class and I feel like it has only whetted my appetite to learn more about all the topics we learned about, particularly the nutrigenomics and the functional nutrition sections. The Entrepreneurial RD course is the other class I was super-interested in. As we developed our business plans over the semester, what I learned in the Integrative Medicine class led me to a few re-writes simply because I am thinking differently and want to include my new knowledge into a potential business. I know there is a lot of work ahead of me but I am excited about this as a potential career path. Thank you for making this a part of the program!!

Sarah Amidon, Indiana Distance-Online Recent Graduate

I chose to pursue EMU’s program specifically because the online distance option offers the flexibility that students of all ages and backgrounds need. As a mom with 2 small children, doing coursework from home is crucial. I have found the instructors and support staff to be unparalleled and eager to help you succeed. With an emphasis on entrepreneurship, I will walk into my career as a Registered Dietitian ready to start my private practice!

Lexi Jungbluth, Maine Distance-Online Recent Graduate

Changing careers to pursue a Masters with EMU’s online coordinated dietetics program has been a rewarding experience.   What could have been intimidating and overwhelming has been welcoming, challenging, supportive, and fulfilling.  Completing supervised practice experience hours in conjunction with the course work has enabled me to apply the knowledge real time and meet influencers and potential employers along the way. This is a comprehensive program that prepares its students for success.


Hear From Our Program Alumni:


Brittany Smith, RDN, LDN, Quality Assurance & Nutrition Specialist at First Watch Restaurants Corporate Office Brittany

Pursuing a degree in Dietetics at Eastern Michigan University was one of the best decisions I have ever made. The Coordinated Program was both challenging and rewarding. As a distance student, I felt supported and connected to my instructors and cohort throughout the program. EMU provided me with the education, experiences, and connections that have set me up for success as a new dietitian. After graduation and passing the RD exam, I started my dream job as the first Registered Dietitian for First Watch Restaurants. I wake up excited every day for the work that I do. I have EMU to thank for that!


Tasha Brickhouse, Florida Distance-Online Graduate, Clinical Nutrition Manager at AdventHealth Fish Memorial HospitalTB

During pursuit of a business degree, a biology professor reignited my life-long passion for nutrition. After seeking guidance from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, their highest recommendation was Eastern Michigan’s Distance Coordinated Program in Dietetics as being the fastest track to become a Registered Dietitian since there were no local accredited programs. The online program reinforced skills of professional independence, networking, technology, and time management in addition to science-based training. Though I never expected to practice in the clinical setting, the program equipped me to quickly ascend to a Clinical Nutrition Manager where I have designed a perioperative nutrition program, build a strong clinical team, optimize nutrition delivery to patients with malnutrition and begin the first preceptor program at this facility. It was the best educational investment I have ever made!





Samantha Sanner, RDN, LDN Clinical Nutrition Manager at Coral Gables Hospital

After I graduated from EMU Dietetics Program I moved to Florida and began working for a consultant company. Morrison Healthcare quickly saw the potential in me and I was offered career advancement as Clinical Nutrition Manager at Coral Gables Hospital. Currently, I am on the fast track to become a director within Morrison Healthcare. I can attribute my success to the dietetics program at Eastern Michigan University. I could not be more proud to tell people that I have graduated from this program as I believe it has prepared me greatly for the real world of dietetics and has enabled me to move up so fast. I am very excited to see where my career takes me within Morrison Healthcare. I want to thank you all for all that you do and for continuing to give back to the future dietitians.

  • Ashley Runge, MS, RD, Clinical Dietitian at Memorial Medical Center, Ashland, WI

    EMU’s Dietetics Program is one-of-a-kind! Even for students in the distance program, such as myself, the department staff members are very personal and attentive to our educational needs. I now have friends and colleague connections from all over the country! Shortly after graduating, I was offered a position at my clinical Supervised Practice Experience site. I credit EMU’s comprehensive program for being well-rounded in the field of dietetics, and I would not trade my experience for anything!

  • Melissa Flynn, MS, RD, LDN, Dietitian at Wilmington Treatment Center – A recovery hospital

    The EMU coordinated dietetics program sets a high standard! My preceptors constantly commented on the comprehensiveness of EMU’s program, compared to other programs they had encountered. The challenging courses, the supportive teaching staff and the engaging environment helped me to develop the critical thinking skills necessary for a career in dietetics. I passed my RD exam and was employed within three months of completing the graduate program!  Thank you EMU!

  • Patrick Johnson, MS RD CD PA-S, Lead Dietitian at Capital Medical Center, Olympia, Washington

    10 years ago, I graduated from the undergraduate Eastern Michigan University Coordinated Program in Dietetics and regard that formative education as one of the best choices I could have made as a Registered Dietitian - So much so that I completed my online masters from 2016 to 2018 at EMU.  As a clinical preceptor for distance students in dietetic programs from all over the country, I hold the Eastern Michigan University curriculum and faculty in very high regard.  The program provides students with the requisite knowledge and expectations to thrive after graduation in any practice setting. 09.2022  

  • Raquel Carter, RDN

    The CP in Dietetics was an opportunity for me to change careers and pursue my passion for nutrition and healthcare. I was challenged intellectually and I also grew as a person and as a professional. The academic department as well as my preceptors were very supportive and encouraging. I was well prepared for the RD exam once I completed my studies and I am proud to be a dietitian and alumni of this fantastic program.

Additional Information

Three female dietetics students holding up food.


Learn about the Dietetics program accreditations, read our missions statement and find out about our program goals.

An image of the outside of Rackham - a brick building with green tinted windows.


Find out about advising sessions and learn who to contact with your questions.

A photo shows a classroom of students listening to a lecture.

Why get a dietetics degree?

Find out what careers you can pursue with a degree in dietetics and hear from our alumni.