Welcome to the Sales Center at Eastern Michigan University and the College of Business. The purpose of the institute is to provide students with exposure to corporate sales as a career and to assist leading corporations in recruiting top EMU students.

A Competitive Edge

Eastern teaches more than 400 students in sales each year and has a sales concentration in the marketing program. Competing in sales competitions is a great way for students to add relative working experience to their resumes and gives them a competitive edge when searching for jobs. The Sales Institute is open to all majors throughout Eastern Michigan University.

To learn more about our story, watch our EMU Today TV Interview at:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VC-mQ36Uhw&t=1344s 

Our Sponsors
Sales Competitions

Contact Us

Lewis Hershey, Ph.D.
Director, Sales Institute and Professor of Marketing and Faculty Advisor for the Sales and Advertising Club.
734.487.4358[email protected]

Dan Lake
Marketing Lecturer and Sales Competition Coach
[email protected]


The EMU Sales Institute is a member of the University Sales Center Alliance.