News & Announcements

  • New Annual Title IX Training for all Enrolled Undergraduate & Graduate Students Expand dropdown

    Beginning in Fall 2024, Eastern Michigan University will be utilizing Safe Colleges to deliver the mandatory annual Title IX Training. All students will receive an email within the first two-weeks of the Fall semester with instructions on how to access the online training. Students are encouraged to complete their training before November 1st to avoid a registration hold being placed on their account. Students who complete the training after November 1st will need to wait 2-business days for their hold to be removed. Questions? Please email [email protected]

  • Support for Pregnant & Parenting Students Expand dropdown

    This office provides support to the following EMU enrolled students:

    • Currently pregnant
    • Recently delivered a child
    • Are experiencing or recently experienced complications during their pregnancy or birthing process
    • Lost or terminated a recent pregnancy
    • Recently adopted a child
    • Partners who are supporting any of the above enrolled students and are also an EMU student.

    Please reach out to our office via [email protected] or call 734-487-9126 to discuss available supportive measures for both on and off campus. 

  • Reminders about Title IX as classes resume Expand dropdown

    The vast majority of University classes and other academic programs have resumed in-person, and the Title IX office would like to take this opportunity to remind members of our community that maintaining an academic program free from sex/gender discrimination remains a high priority for the university. Members of the community should be aware of the following four important points:

    1. The Title IX office at EMU remains operational and functioning, as EMU's campus has resumed in-person services this fall. Anyone impacted by sex/gender discrimination is encouraged to contact the Title IX office to make a report by emailing the Title IX Coordinator, Matthew Gregory at [email protected] or leaving a voicemail at the Title IX Office 734.487.9126 or making an online report.
    2. The Title IX resolution processes and remedies also continue to resume, which is provided to assure any sexual harassment, sexual violence, domestic and dating violence, stalking, retaliation or other sexually discriminatory behaviors are addressed promptly.
    3. EMU's Sexual Misconduct and Sex-Based Discrimination Policy on sexual misconduct applies to behaviors that occur in-person between or to members of the university community, but also, but also applies to online and virtual misconduct. Any behavior that is prohibited by policy is also likely prohibited in cyber-forms, including cyber-harassment, cyber-bullying that is sex-based and cyber-stalking. Members of the community are expected to maintain a tone of civility and respect in online classes just as they would if they were in class physically.
    4. EMU faculty and employees who are mandatory reporters are reminded that reporting of alleged sexual misconduct is mandated and expected when they become aware of incidents or allegations involving members of the campus community, regardless of how they learn of the potential misconduct, whether in person, in writing, or online.

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