The staff of the Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Office (formerly Title IX Office) receives annual training on the jurisdictional scope of Title IX, managing a Title IX grievance procedure and on topics related responding sexual harassment and sexual violence reports.
Title IX Coordinator
Certified 2020 Trainings
- ATIXA Title IX Coordinator Certification Training [PDF]
- MASU Advisor Training [PDF]
- NASPA Track I Title Coordinators Training Materials [PDF]
- NASPA Certificate [PDF]
- Rebecca Veidlinger Title IX Regulations Training 2020 [PDF]
Title IX Investigator
- Bricker and Eckler Level One Investigator Training [PDF]
- Bricker and Eckler Level Two Investigator Training [PDF]
- Bricker and Eckler Levels One and Two Certificates [PDF]
- ATIXA Investigation Report Writing Certificate [PDF]
- EVAWI Comprehensive Victims Interview Certificate [PDF]
- NASPA Title IX Investigator Certificate [PDF]
- NASPA Investigator Training Certificate [PDF]
- EVAWI Victim Interviewing Training [PDF]
- ATIXA Investigative Report Writing Training [PDF]
- ATIXA Consent Workshop Training [PDF[