September & October: WIP Grant Preparation
Resources available for individuals preparing grants for submission to WIP:
The WIP Canvas Learning Community will walk you through grant-writing tips & WIP grant priorities ~ email for access: [email protected]1:1 Coaching Grant Session with a WIP member (after you’ve reviewed the WIP Modules in Canvas) ~ email [email protected] to set up an appointment
- Oct. 7, 2024 at 4 p.m.: Deadline for grant proposals submission to InfoReady
- Oct. - Nov.: Grant proposals distributed to members for review and voting
- Dec: Notification of grant awards
- Jan.-Dec. 2025: Project year (money must be spent during the calendar year)
- Spring/Fall WIP meeting; Selected awardees may be asked to present results of their projects
- Jan 15, 2026: Final written reports due
The Women in Philanthropy at EMU group supports projects that align with the mission and vision of Eastern Michigan University. We are committed to funding projects that demonstrate the following priorities:
- Enhance learning opportunities for Eastern Michigan University faculty, staff, alumni and/or students;
- Improve the Eastern Michigan University climate through support for diverse groups and collaborative efforts;
- Foster creativity and innovation as it relates to Eastern Michigan University; and
- Expand partnerships between Eastern Michigan University and the community.
All Eastern Michigan University employees; faculty-sponsored students; and members of university-sponsored alumni, student, and community groups are eligible to apply for awards without regard to gender.
Community Members - Please contact members of the WIP Grants Committee at [email protected] if you need assistance in partnering with an EMU employee, university-sponsored alumni or student group.
Voting members of Women in Philanthropy at EMU are eligible to submit grant applications and can be listed as faculty sponsors on grant applications.
Proposal Format
Applications must be submitted online. The deadline is 4:00 p.m., October 7, 2024.
The online template will ask for the applicant's contact information, title, need for project, how it relates to the WIP grant priorities (above), project objectives, proposed timeline, evaluation plan, partnerships and community groups (if any), personnel, brief summary of project, a budget and proposed use of funds, and relation to other projects (if any).
The online template has embedded instructions. Further questions should be directed to Velvet Harris, [email protected]
Awards for selected projects will range up to $5,000, and must be spent during the subsequent calendar year (January to December).
Awards to students may affect financial aid calculations. EMU Units/Divisions are advised to prioritize multiple submissions.
Grantees will be asked to complete a final written report on their project and use of funds no later than January 15th after the completion of the grant year. Grantees may be asked to present their project at an annual Women in Philanthropy at EMU meeting or other University-sponsored events.
If projects are selected, disbursement of funds must comply with EMU policies and procedures. Unspent funds after project year will return to WIP-EMU.
A project that does not receive funding in any particular cycle may re-apply the following year. It is advisable to contact the WIP Grants Committee at [email protected] prior to reapplying.
A funded project is not eligible for a second Women in Philanthropy at EMU award.
The manager of a funded project may apply for an award for another project after one intervening year.