Diane Porretta Fox

A photo of Diane Porretta Fox



338 Marshall


[email protected]


  • Ed.D., Eastern Michigan University
  • MSN, Eastern Michigan University
  • BSN, University of Michigan
  • BA, Siena Heights College
  • AS, Washtenaw Community College



  • Fox, D.P. (2015). Nursing faculty shortages: Perspectives from deans and directors of BSN programs. Eastern Michigan University, Pro Quest, UMI Dissertations publishing, 3708045.

Master's Thesis

  • Fox, D. P. (2003). The Relationship of Perceived Self-efficacy and Confidence in Critical Thinking Ability in Associate Degree Nursing Students. Eastern Michigan University, Pro Quest, UMI Dissertations Publishing, 1417393.

Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals (2007present)

  • Wu, T., Raghunathan, & Fox. D.P  (July/August 2022).  Investigating Relationships between Preparedness for Practice, Grade Point Average, and Demographic Correlates Among Prelicensure Nursing Students, Nursing Education Perspectives, National League for Nursing, 43(4), 246-248.  doi:10.1097/01.NEP0000000000000876
  • Caboral-Stevens, M., & Fox, D.P.  (2020).  The Use of Collaborative testing in Baccalaureate Education with Baccalaureate Nursing Students.  Journal Publication:  Teaching and Learning in Nursing 15 (2020)  37e41  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.teln.2019.09.007 1557-3087/
  • Fox, D.P.  (2016).  Creating Long-Term Solutions to the Nursing Faculty Shortage:  Using Qualitative Data.  Sigma Theta Tau Internaitonal/National League fo rNursing 2016 NERC, Washington, DC, Published in Virginia Hederson Library.  
  • Wu, T., Fox, D.P., Stokes, C., and Adams, C. (2012). Work-Related Stress and Intention to Quit in Newly Graduated Nurse. Nurse Education Today, 32. 669674.
  • Brooks, J., Poretta-Fox, D., Okagbue-Reaves, J., and Lukomski, A. (2009). Best Practices for an Interdisciplinary Team-Taught Course. Educational Gerontology 35(9), 818830.

Refereed and Invited Presentations

  • Fox, Diane Porretta & Teresa Mortier (2023). Interprofessional Education: Blood Collection Teaching Interventions for RN-BSN students Improving Patient CareInternational presentation -Original research, generating evidence. Washington, DC March 31, 2023.National League for Nursing Education Research Conference (NERC) 999 Ninth Street NW, Washington, DC 20001. 
  • Caboral-Stevens, M. & Fox, D.P. (2019).  The Use of Collaborative Testing (CT) among Graduating Baccalaureate Nursing Students.  Published in Virginia Henderson Library.  45th Biennial Sigma Convention.  Washington, DC.  Sigma Theta Tau Intl/National League for Nursing.
  • Peltz, C., Fox, D.P. & Washington, V.  (2018).  Leadership Successes Continue to Advance Nursing Excellence Across the Globe.  Oral Presentation, Leadership Connection, 2018 (Sept. 15-18). Sigma Teau Tau, Hyatt Regency, Washington, DC
  • Fox, D.P.  (2016).  Creating Long-Term Solutions tot eh Nursing Shortage:  Using Qualitative Data.  Poster Presentation, Sigma Theta Tau Intl/National League for Nursing 2016 NERC, Washington, DC. 
  • Trewn, P. & Fox, D.P.  (2016).  Interdisciplinary Teach Teaching:  A Successfsul Mentor Model.  Published in the University of New Mexico Mentoring Library.  9th Annual Mentoring Conference:  Developing Networks:  The Power of Mentoring and Coaching.  Albuqerque, New Mexico.  October 24-28, 2016.  
  • Fox, D. P.(2014). Teaching BSN STUDENTS Approaches to Avoid “FAILURE TO RESCUE” Oral Presentation.. Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, Annual Meeting; February 28, 2014, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan.
  • Wu, T., Fox, D.P., and Stokes, C. (2010). Poster Presentation. Stressors and Coping Strategies among Recent Nursing Graduates National League for Nursing  (NLN) Education Summit-Caesars Palace -Las Vegas, Nevada, September 29Nov. 2, 2010
  • Wu, Stokes, and Fox,D. (2011). Poster Presentation. Midwest Nursing Research Society 35th Annual Research Conference Hyatt Regency Columbus, OH March 2427, 2011
  • Brooks, J., Porrretta-Fox, D., Francis, E., and Okagbue-Reaves, J. (2009). The Healthcare Team: Modeling Through Interdisciplinary Teaching. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL): Taking a Closer Look. Oral Presentation. (The First SOTL Academy Conference held at Eastern Michigan University).
  • Wu, T., Fox, D.P., and Stokes, C. (2010). Poster Presentation. Stressors and Coping Strategies among Recent Nursing Graduates National League for Nursing  (NLN) Education Summit, Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada, Sep. 29Nov. 2, 2010
  • Fox, D. P., (2008). Poster Presentation. Implementation of Interdisciplinary Thinking: Creating the Experience in a Prerequisite Baccalaureate Course for Nursing Intent Students. Drexel University Nursing Education Institute. Atlantic City, New Jersey
  • Fox, D., Brooks, J., Francis-Connoly, E., and Schuster, E.(2005). Poster Presentation: Lessons learned from teaching an interdisciplinary course on aging. The 58 th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting. Orlando, Florida.
  • Fox, D. P. (2005). Poster Presentation: Partnering with clinical Nursing Students as a new approach to conducting the Medical-Surgical Clinical. National League for Nursing Education Summit. Baltimore, Maryland.
  • Fox, D. P. (2005). Paper Presentation: Measuring Confidence in Critical Thinking Ability and Perceived Self-Efficacy in Nursing Students: The Relationship. Midwest Nursing Research Society 29th Annual Research Conference Advancing the Clinical Research Enterprise: Translation and Dissemination Hilton Cincinnati Netherland Plaza Cincinnati, Ohio.
  • Fox, D. P. (2005). Oral Presentation: Partnering with clinical Nursing Students as a new approach to conducting the Medical-Surgical Clinical. Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters. Ypsilanti, Michigan.
  • Fox, D.P., Ajrouch, K.J., (2007). A Retrospective View of Human Growth and Development: Aging to Infancy. PAIN: Life Interrupted: When Pain Intrudes. Presented by Michigan State University Nursing, University of Michigan Nursing, St. Joseph Mercy Health System Nursing, Henry Ford Hospital Nursing. Plymouth, Michigan.
  • Fox, Diane P. and Nelson, S., (2008). eFellows Program Technovision Presentation. Using Web-based, Instant Feedback, Multi-Modal Learning Systems/Approaches to Foster Pre-class Readiness and Active Student Participation: Faculty-Instructional Technologists in Collaboration.
  • Brooks, J., Porretta-Fox, D., Francis, E., and Okagbue-Reaves, J. (2009). The Healthcare Team: Modeling Through Interdisciplinary Teaching. Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SOTL): Taking a Closer Look. (The First SOTL Academy Conference held at Eastern Michigan University).


Faculty Research Awards

  • 2009, Faculty Research Fellowship, D. Fox and T. Wu.  A New Paradigm to Examine Nursing Education Needs:  Registered Nurses' Perspectives of Stressors and Coping Strategies Among Nursing Graduates.
  • 20122013 Sabbatical Award, The Nurse Faculty Shortage-Case Studies. 

Certifications and Licenses

  • National League for Nursing certified nurse educator (CNE)
  • Registered respiratory therapist/neonatal pediatric specialist, RRT-NPS


  • Adult Health Nursing
  • 2005, Eastern Michigan University Community College Leadership, Post Graduate Certificate
  • 2005, Eastern Michigan University Educational Leadership Doctoral Cohort

Honors and Awards

  • National Asthma Educator Certification Board “Crystal Award” For Dedication to Asthma Education, 2008, Elected member of National Asthma Educators Multidisciplinary Board
  • Outstanding Graduate Student in Nursing, Eastern Michigan University, 2003
  • Eta Rho Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society 2003, Nursing Research Award
  • Angell Scholar, University of Michigan, 1997
  • Peer Award, Most Outstanding Clinical Performance, University of Michigan School of Nursing, 1997

Teaching Interests

Undergraduate Teaching
  • Medical Surgical Nursing - level IV, pathophysiology, essentials of professional nursing practice I and II, introduction to professional nursing, interdisciplinary: aging to infancy.
Graduate Teaching
  • Masters thesis advising
Specialty Areas
  • Medical surgical/intensive care
Nursing Practice
  • ICU-RN/extracorporeal membrane oxygenation