Frequently Asked Questions

  • How many students get accepted each year?

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    We accept 32 second-degree students and 80 traditional students to start every Fall semester. The RN/BSN completion program is limited by the space available at the off-site locations. Typically, we accept groups of 25 at a time, but we have occasionally admitted as many as 40 at one site. The RN/BSN applicants with all general education requirements and/or MACRAO agreement completed receive preference for admission. The RN/BSN Program Coordinator maintains a waiting list for each site. Classroom space is the only limitation in the number of MSN students admitted each year. We typically run a program with 20–25 students but could take as many as 35 each fall.
  • Do you have a waiting list for any of the programs?

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    Eastern Michigan University, School of Nursing does not use a waiting list for its BSN, 2nd Degree BSN, MSN or PhD programs. Students reapply each year. The RN/BSN completion program held at off-site locations does have space limitations, and there are waiting lists for each site. At this time, there is no waiting list for the MSN program. However, the earlier you apply the faster your application will be processed.
  • When does the BSN program start once accepted?

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    BSN and 2nd Degree BSN students begin nursing courses every Fall semester after being accepted into the nursing program. RN/BSN students begin nursing courses based on a rotation at the offsite locations—check with the site for specific start dates. The MSN program begins every Fall semester at the EMU Livonia site.
  • When and where are the information sessions for nursing students?

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    BSN and 2nd Degree BSN program Information sessions are scheduled after the beginning of each semester. They are posted on the Nursing website. RN/BSN and MSN Information Sessions are posted as scheduled—check with the off site location for the next planned session.
  • Do you have an accelerated 2nd degree BSN program?

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    Yes! Applicants accepted into the 2nd Degree BSN program must hold a non-nursing BA or BS and meet School of Nursing admission requirements.  The program runs through the summer and takes five semesters (20 months) to complete.
  • I didn't get accepted into the BSN program. Should I retake classes to improve my chances next year?

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    This is something to discuss with an adviser. Each student is unique and may have different needs. Please contact the CHHS Advising Center for individual advice.
  • Is it more beneficial for me to take classes at EMU or can I transfer all of them?

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    BSN students who take the pre-requisite courses at EMU are given additional weight to their admission process.  Therefore, it is beneficial to take the pre-requisite classes at EMU. RN/BSN students are required to take a minimum of 30 credits at EMU for a degree; check with the RN/BSN Program Coordinator regarding your specific situation.
  • Should I take EXC 201 and EXC 202 or BIO 251 and BIO 252?

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    Either course sequence meets the requirement for admission into the BSN and 2nd Degree BSN programs. EXC 201 is Human Anatomy and EXC 202 is Human Physiology. The BIO courses are Human Anatomy and Physiology I followed by Human Anatomy and Physiology II.EXC and BIO courses both work but are taught differently. The EXC courses are three credits each and taken in the same semester. The BIO courses are four credits each and taken in sequential semesters.
  • Should I take NURS 110 and why?

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    NURS 110 is Introduction to Professional Nursing, and it is a two-credit course. It is not required, but it does give you an overview of nursing and it is worth points for admission to the BSN and 2nd Degree BSN program if you pass it with a C or better.
  • Should I take IHHS 260 or EDPS 325 for the BSN program?

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    Both courses cover the necessary information needed on human growth and development for the nursing program.  IHHS 260 is a 3 credit course and EDPS 325 is a 4 credit course.  Some students choose the higher credit course to add points for admission.
  • What other classes can I take if I don't get into the BSN program and have to wait another year to apply?

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    Two courses that are required in the BSN program and 2nd Degree BSN program that can be taken before you enter the program are DTC 203 (Human Nutrition) and BIO 328 (Introductory Microbiology). Additionally, you can take your other required general education credits. If you have an interest in a minor or a language, you could fulfill that while you wait a year to reapply. It is advisable that you speak with an advisor about this issue (CHHS Advising Center).
  • I am interested in getting an MSN, but I'm not clear on the difference in the role of a CNS versus an NP. Can you explain this?

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    The role definitions can be found on page 8 of the document titled The Consensus Model for APRN regulation. This document describes each of the four APRN roles: Nurse Anesthetist, Nurse Midwife, Clinical Nurse Specialty, and Nurse Practitioner.
  • Where can I find the specific facts about use of the APRN title?

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    The Consensus Model for APRN Regulation was developed to establish consistency in Licensure, Accreditation, Certification, and Education. This document, which was established with input from numerous national nursing organizations, clearly indicates that the DNP is NOT a requirement to use the APRN title. Please note the following in the above report:
    • PP 3-4 indicate this is the final report of the APRN Consensus Work Group. The report is endorsed by 48 different national nursing organizations. Also, it was posted on the National Council of State Boards website in December, 2010.
    • Page 7 presents the definition of APRN's
    • Page 9 discusses use of the APRN title
    • Page 6 at bottom, page 11, and the lower half of page 13 and page 16 address APRN educational requirements
  • What if I want to write the Adult-Gerontology CNS exam?

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    Students in the MSN-CNS track wishing to write the Adult-Gerontology certification exam must complete the Adult-Gerontology clinical coursework (NURS 653/663/668) regardless of when they began the program; if one or more of the clinical courses completed was in Adult Health versus Adult-Gerontology, then the student is not eligible to sit for the Adult-Gerontology exam.


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