Admission Requirements

We strive for clear, straightforward and attainable minimum admission requirements for prospective applicants. New PA students enter the program annually in the fall semester.

The application cycle for fall 2025 enrollment is now closed. The application cycle for fall 2026 will be open from April 24 - December 1, 2025. For an application to be considered, the program requires a completed CASPA application by our deadline (see admissions process). 

The requirements listed are the minimum requirements for an application to be reviewed and evaluated by the EMU PA program. All of the admissions requirements must be met in order for an applicant to have a chance at being admitted. Simply meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee progression to the interview stage of the admissions process.

Read the PA program admissions requirements.


To find answers to specific questions about the PA program admissions requirements, email [email protected] or call 734.487.2843.

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