
2024 Digital Divas HS Conference

Join in on the fun! There are several ways to join us for one of our conferences. Applications and their deadlines for all involvement areas are listed below. Digital Divas welcomes several campus and community partners every year! See what the buzz is all about and apply today!


EMU Students, faculty, and staff are welcome to join us for the day and give back to the community by serving as a general volunteer for the day! Lunch is on us!

Email us!



Host a Breakout Session

Industry leaders, EMU Departments, EMU Clubs and other community partners can apply to lead a hands-on breakout session.

Email us! 


Exhibition spaces available!

Interact with participants before the conference, during passing times, and during lunch. Exhibitioners often have interactive displays and swag to engage participants. 

Email us!

2024 High School Digital Divas Conference Participant Application


Email to be added to the Waitlist | 10.25.24


This application is for schools/youth organizations interested in participating in the conference.

  • Application closes once available seats are filled. 


  • Who can apply? Expand dropdown

    Any group or individual may apply to participate in Digital Divas! Groups such as scout troops, science and technology classes, school science clubs, and individual students interested in STEM have attended in the past. Group size is restricted to 30 participants or less (not including chaperones). If you would like to bring more than 30 students, please contact our office.

    All groups must supply their own transportation, chaperones, and must maintain a minimum supervision ratio of 15 students: 1 chaperone. A parent or legal guardian must accompany any individual participant admitted into the conference. All admitted applicants must attend the entire program 9 a.m.–2:30 p.m.

    See the Eastern Michigan University Notice of Non-Discrimination.

  • Can I apply for my entire school district all at once? Expand dropdown
    No. Each school must submit their own application. The primary contact may list the same person, but every school must have their own application on file.
  • What is the maximum number of participants I can bring? Expand dropdown
    Group size is restricted to 30 participants or less (not including chaperones). When applying, please give your best estimate of the total number of participants (pupils) you anticipate to bring. Notify the Digital Divas staff immediately if your participant count changes.
  • Are there any fees or other commitments? Expand dropdown

    Thanks to the generosity of our community partners and sponsors, our Digital Divas conferences are free of charge for our participants and their chaperones.

    Since we do offer the program free of charge, we do require attendees to:

    • Participate in the conference in its entirety (9 a.m.–2:30 p.m.).
    • Complete a post-conference survey (administered by group leader)

    We are happy to provide lunch to each participant as a thank you for agreeing to these commitments. These surveys help us improve the program each year and assists us with our annual grant reporting.

    Transportation assistance will not be available for the conference. Schools and individuals should plan to budget for this expense when seeking school administration approval. 

  • How do you decide which applicants are admitted? Expand dropdown

    We admit applicants on a first-come, first-served basis until we reach capacity for the event. There is no specific criteria that will guarantee a decision, however, the Digital Divas Team is committed to offering experiences to as many students from multiple areas of the state as possible.

    Groups that have attended in the past and have not upheld their agreement to attend the entire conference or administer post-conference surveys may have their application put on hold or rejected.

  • How do I know if I have been admitted? Expand dropdown

    Once the priority application period ends, our team will review each application and will admit applicants until the conference capacity is reached. Group leaders and/or individual applicants will receive notification via email with their admissions decision. We have three possible placements for applicants; Admitted, Waitlist, or Denied.

  • How do I request an accommodation? Expand dropdown

    Please contact us at [email protected] with any accommodation requests. Requests for accommodations must be made at least two weeks before the event.

Admitted Applicants

All admitted applicants will receive an email containing registration documents and procedures with their admissions decision notification.

Admitted applicants are required to submit all waivers and required documents no later than the date specified in the organization's admissions email or risk dismissal from the program.

Withdrawal or Dismissal from Program

  • Withdrawal Expand dropdown

    Admitted groups/ individual may withdraw from the program for any reason up to two weeks before the program start date. Any withdrawal from the program within two weeks of the program’s start date will receive a one year, Low-Priority status for applications for future Digital Divas Programs.

  • Dismissal Expand dropdown

    The Digital Divas Program reserves the right to dismiss admitted attendees (groups and/or individuals) for any reason including but not limited to:

    • Attendee’s failure to submit all required documents before the deadline.

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