Creating and maintaining a safe and resilient campus community.

Emergency Management

Emergency Management is dedicated to creating and maintaining a safe and resilient campus community through an all hazards approach which includes: emergency notifications, mitigation, preparedness, training and educational outreach efforts.

Risk Management

Risk Management assists the university’s operating units, faculty and staff with managing risk created by programs and activities. Risk Management's functions include: identification, analysis of risk, and assessment of loss potential; eliminating or minimizing risks; implementing loss funding and risk financing mechanisms; and claims management.

Contact Information

Phone Numbers


  • 24/7 on-call services through above emergency phone number
  • Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.

Non-Employee Injury Reporting

Non-Employees for the purposes of this process are identified as students or guests when they are on campus property or are involved in a university sponsored event off-site.

  1. The professor, instructor, or primary activity sponsor will complete an Injury Report for Non-Employee [PDF] for the incident.
  2. Submit the completed form to Risk & Emergency Management.

This form may be completed, saved, and/or printed using free Adobe Acrobat Reader software.