About Emeritus Faculty and Staff

Emeritus faculty and staff are retirees whom the university recognizes for their service. As such, they are members of the Emeritus Faculty and Staff Association, which functions under a constitution [PDF] and bylaws [PDF].

Eligibility for Emeritus Status

The awarding of Emeritus status is not an automatic function at retirement. It requires a formal nomination and then approval by the Board of Regents and thus is not conferred upon all who retire.

The awarding of Emeritus Faculty, Lecturer, Staff status is governed by their respective contracts with the university. The rule for nomination is as follows:

Any member of a department, including the Department Head or Supervisor, may nominate retiring Faculty, Lecturers and Staff for emeritus status. To be eligible a retiring colleague must have served the university for at least 15 years.


Since we have had several requests from our members that personal information (address and telephone number) not be posted, we have not created a directory of emeritus faculty and staff.

However, many emeritus faculty and staff are included in the general university directory. That directory is searchable by name, but usually gives only a university email address.

Emeritus Faculty and Staff Association Meetings

Announcements of association meetings and links to minutes of recent meetings are posted on the "Meetings" page.

Volunteer Opportunities for Emeritus Faculty

  • Investigators of perceived needs at EMU (contact an Executive Board member for details).
  • Occasional search committees at the Dean's level or above.

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