Audition Guide
Audition Guide for College Music Programs
Options for Studying Music in College
There are many options for studying music in college! If you are interested in being a professional musician there are diverse career paths and if you are interested in continuing your study as a minor or non-major there are many options too! It is widely known that employers like to hire those with a music degree or music experience even if the job is not music related. Musicians are known for having good skills at organization, discipline, interpersonal communication, team work, and many others. Check out various degree programs HERE.
Careers in Music and Music Related Fields
PERFORMING/MUSIC: Orchestra, Band, Military Band, Chamber Music, Solo, Studio Musician, Composer (classical, video game, film, television), Music Arranger, Free Lance, Woodwind Doubler, Pit musician for musicals or opera, Conductor, DJ
TEACHING: Music educator in public or private school, College professor, Private studio teacher
MUSIC THERAPY: Using music to assist various populations such as geriatric, prisons, schools, hospitals, rehab facilities. Note that this is not simply performing music, but using it as a clinical tool to develop a particular skill with clients to improve their quality of life.
MUSIC BUSINESS: Music sales such as in a music store or online business, Instrument sales, Marketing, Artist Manager, Tour Manager, Venue Management, Contract Negotiator, Entertainment lawyer (law school), Publicist, Talent agent, Producer, Web design for musicians, Instrument maker, Instrument repair, Publishing editor, Journalist/critic, Concert technician, Web designer, Social Media specialist
ADMINISTRATION: Non-profit leadership, Festival director or employee, Arts Series administrator, Music librarian, College School of Music Director, Associate Director, Social Media, Advisor
PRODUCTION: Recording engineer (video and sound), Sound production, Streaming concerts, Piano tuner
Audition Information
Take Weekly Private Lessons
Some students who will be auditioning will have already been studying privately for varying amounts of time and some are searching for a teacher or elect to study on their own. We would be delighted to give you a list of names of private teachers in your area if you need. Tell your private instructor or music director that you are interested in auditioning for music schools and if you have a private teacher, ask them to teach you not only your solo for Solo and Ensemble festival, but the technical foundation and musical skills you will need to be successful for your college entrance. As part of your study, learn your major and minor scales (all three forms) by memory. Be able to play these slurred and articulated. Always practice these with a metronome, and work to be able to play all keys at the same metronome speed. As part of your audition for EMU, you will be expected to perform all scales including major and minor three forms.
Practice, Practice, Practice
If we were to compare music to athletics, you would not be surprised to hear that athletes who are intending to be involved on a sports team in college would spend much of their time in high school practicing the sport plus much time in the weight room or on the track or pool—improving their form and endurance. The practice room is our equivalent weight room. Make time to practice at least an hour a day, six days a week. Two hours is even better! Incorporate fundamental skills such as long tones, technical studies, and articulation in that session as well as repertoire.
Apply Early for Admission
September or October is not too soon. For almost all schools, you will need to apply for admission to BOTH the university and the School of Music. Search for any scholarships for which you are eligible and make sure you meet the admissions deadlines.
At EMU, our top scholarship competition, the Presidential Scholarship Competition, occurs the first two Saturdays in December generally. If you have a 3.3 gpa, you may qualify to take this exam and receive a scholarship. Priority deadline for application to take the exam is in November.
For consideration for ALL academic scholarships at EMU, you must be admitted to the university by February.
Play a Solo at District Solo and Ensemble Festival and Audition for All-State
For Solo and Ensemble, you can likely use the same solo as your audition music for auditions for music schools. Start learning the solo NOW. Enlist your teacher’s assistance to find a solo that works best for you. For All-State they select pieces that everyone must play.
Play Proficiency III at State Solo and Ensemble Festival
You do not have to have passed proficiencies I and II to play Proficiency III, you just have to be a senior. For Proficiency III, you need to learn all your scales major and melodic minor and sight read. This will help you be ready for your music school auditions, especially since you’ll have to perform scales and sight read as part of your audition at EMU.
Prepare an Ensemble for Festival in addition to your solo
Extra practice preparing chamber music and learning as much repertoire as possible are only beneficial to your musical growth.
Take advantage of events like our Clinic Day or Honor Band in January. Other schools offer similar events. Visit the campuses of schools in which you are interested and get to know the flute professors. Meet the other flutists in the flute studio. (Feel free to talk to the EMU flute studio members today! They are a terrific bunch and will answer any questions you may have.) Find the place where you are most comfortable yet challenged to reach for your very best.
Come to Campus for a Lesson
Dr. Stone is always delighted to offer a “get acquainted” lesson at no charge at our mutual convenience. Contact me at [email protected] or 734.487.0294.
Audition Early for admission to the School of Music and Dance at EMU
We have audition dates in January, February and March. On audition day, you will audition on flute as well as take theory and piano placement exams. You may also wish to visit campus on another day and “shadow” a flute major for the day by going to classes and rehearsals.
Keep Practicing and Stay in Touch after the audition
The School of Music has rolling admissions so you will hear about the status of your admission shortly after your audition. At your audition, we will ask if you are auditioning at other schools, and we encourage you to do so!! If you make an early decision about another school, we would be happy to know that. It is important to choose a school where you feel comfortable.
Summary Time Line
Take private lessons (if not already in progress).
Apply for admission to EMU. Apply for admission to EMU School of Music and Dance and request an audition date. Apply to take the Presidential Scholarship Exam, if eligible. Attend EMU Clinic Day and audition for Honor Band. Start preparing solo repertoire for District Solo and Ensemble Festival.
Take the Presidential Scholarship Exam, if eligible. Contact Dr. Stone about a “Get Acquainted” lesson. Keep up the private lessons. Continue preparing for Solo and Ensemble. Practice, practice, practice (with a metronome)!
Have a lesson with Dr. Stone. Visit campus. Perform for District and State Solo and Ensemble festivals. Audition for the School of Music and Dance at EMU and other schools. Stay in touch with Dr. Stone.
Please inform Dr. Stone of your final decision if you have not done so. We want you to find the best fit for YOU!