Message to all students from President, Dean of Students, Police Chief: Campus resources available to you, September 6, 2022
EMU students:
Eastern Michigan University has many resources in place to provide support and assistance with a wide variety of matters. Many people on campus are trained to respond and assist you in numerous situations. If you feel you need assistance, or think you have witnessed or been the victim of a worrisome incident, you can do one or more of the following:
- Dean of Students: The Dean of Students (DOS) Office works with students, student families, faculty and staff to create a culture of care designed to enhance students’ academic and personal success. If a student has an emergency situation that will require the student to be out of classes for an extended period, the DOS can assist. In the event of a student death, this office will coordinate support for the family and campus community. This office navigates support for students who are facing any number of barriers to student success. The office also provides advice to students on issues and questions about student-related policies and prohibited behaviors in the EMU Student Code of Community Responsibility. The Community Responsibility Office is located in 250 Student Center, 734.487.2157. The Dean of Students Office can be contacted by calling 734.487.1107 or by emailing [email protected].
- Mental Health Services: If you are experiencing anxiety, stress or related feelings and would like support, please contact Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). The office is located at 1075 N. Huron Drive in the Campus Wellness Center. Our trained counselors and staff of CAPS can be reached by email at [email protected] or by phone at 734.487.1118.
- Health Center: The University’s health center, Trinity Health IHA Health Center @ EMU, is located on the north side of campus off of Oakwood and Huron River Drive at 1065 N. Huron River Dr. It is available to support students’ health needs and includes primary care and urgent care medical offices. The health center is operated in partnership with St. Joseph Mercy Health and IHA. Visit the Health Center website or call 734.896.4110 for information about the services it provides, the hours of operation, or to make an appointment. The Health Center also houses the Campus Medical Pharmacy, which can fill prescriptions and provide over-the-counter health products. For information call 734.547.5995 or email
- Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Office (formerly Title IX Office): Concerns or complaints about sex discrimination, sexual harassment, domestic violence, stalking or sexual assault should be directed to the Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Office. It is critical that any situations that you experience are reported so they can be investigated and addressed, whether you are a victim/survivor, or a witness to such incidents. Resources available include the Survivor Handbook and Title IX Resource Guide. The Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Office phone number is 734.487.3617. The office is located at 100B Boone Hall.
- EMU Public Safety: If you witness a crime or see an emergency on or near campus, call Eastern Michigan University Police at 734.487.1222. Program this number into your phone. You also can call 911. Whether on foot, riding a bike or patrolling in their vehicles, our highly trained and professional State of Michigan licensed police force is on duty 24/7, 365 days a year to safeguard our campus community. They are fully sworn in the city of Ypsilanti and deputized in Washtenaw County, and are very responsive to your needs. Our state-of-the-art headquarters in the Department of Public Safety, located on the northwest side of campus, is equipped with a high-tech communications center that monitors more than 1,000 security cameras located across campus.
- Emergency Text Messaging: Eastern uses a university-wide text-messaging alert service, known as RAVE, to notify you of serious weather events, campus closings due to weather, or if an emergency situation occurs on campus. The alerts provide real-time information as a text message to your cell phone. While students are automatically enrolled for email notifications, notifications via text message require advance signup at the Emergency Alert Messaging website.
- EMU Safe/COVID-19: A comprehensive overview of University guidelines and protocols related to COVID-19 can be found on the EMU Safe website.
- Ombuds: Students who have a concern about University policies, procedures and decisions can contact the Office of the Ombuds in 248 Student Center by calling 734.487.0074 or emailing [email protected]. The Ombuds office provides for a confidential and neutral place for students to express concerns.
- Student Handbook: Eastern’s online student handbook contains information for students about available university services, university policies and procedures, and helpful information to aid in student success.
- Student Intervention Team (SIT): The SIT, led by the Dean of Students Office, provides a system for proactive intervention for reported student behaviors of concern that occur in the EMU living and learning community. The team identifies resources, interventions, and/or referral options for the student, along with recommendations for other necessary actions. You can find further SIT information and file a Care Report by going to
- Bias Reporting: The Bias Incident Response helps assess actions as bias-related or to refer the incident to the proper office if a policy violation occurred. Students, faculty, staff and other members of the Eastern community who experience or are aware of a possible bias incident are encouraged to submit a Care Report for review by the SIT. The report form is available at
- Ethics reporting: Eastern Michigan University relies on you to speak up if you believe that you have observed unethical, illegal or suspicious behavior. Such situations may include: ethics and compliance issues, such as financial reporting; human resources and equal opportunity issues such as harassment, discrimination, abuse of the employee scheduling process, time cards or disciplinary action; environmental, health and safety issues or threats and violence; alcohol/drug abuse; or internal theft. You can file an anonymous report at the Anonymous Ethics and Compliance Reporting website.
- Disability Resource Center: The Disability Resource Center (DRC) in 246 Student Center works collaboratively with students, faculty and staff to create an accessible, sustainable, and inclusive educational environment for all students. The DRC staff addresses classroom and campus accessibility needs and considerations. They are dedicated to providing access to students, faculty and staff with resources to educate and create an equitable campus experience for the EMU community. Students may request accommodations by registering with the DRC at For information call 734.487.2470 or email [email protected].
- Cybersecurity: Cyber security and identity theft precautions are more important for students than ever, as a variety of “phishing” email scams designed to gain access to personal information are uncovered on a regular basis. Eastern’s Division of Information Technology (IT) has many resources available to you to help you identify a “phishing” scam. Please visit the IT security website for additional information and precautions. If you believe that your computer system has been comprised in any way, it is best to report the incident to the IT Help Desk at 734.487.2120 for further evaluation.
- Swoop’s Food Pantry: Swoops Food Pantry provides the University community with both food and non-food item assistance along with additional resources to positivity impact well-being and college success. The Pantry is located in the John and Angie Sabo Swoop’s Food Pantry Room in 104 Pierce Hall. Any EMU student can use the pantry as needed during open hours by completing and submitting the intake form. Swoops Food Pantry can be contacted by calling 734.487.4173 or by emailing [email protected].
A comprehensive list of safety-related resources can be found at the EMU Police website. Information includes links to safety tips, information about receiving emergency text alerts on your mobile device and emergency procedures.
We urge you to be aware of your surroundings, and, when appropriate, take action and use the many resources available to you. Together, we all make Eastern a welcoming and safe community.
James Smith, President
Ellen Gold, Senior Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students
Matthew Lige, Executive Director of Public Safety and Chief of Police