The Eastern Michigan University (EMU) Disability Resource Center (DRC) views disabilities as an integral part of the rich diversity of our campus community and society. We work collaboratively with students, faculty and staff to create an accessible, sustainable, and inclusive educational environment for all students. The DRC acknowledges that classroom and campus accessibility needs and considerations are expanding as more classes and campus experiences incorporate online and technological components. The DRC staff is dedicated to providing access to students, faculty and staff with resources to educate and create an equitable campus experience for the EMU community.

Start the DRC Accommodation Process


Dear DRC Student, 

This is a reminder that Academic Letters of Accommodation (LOA) are issued on a semester basis. You can review the Revised Instructions Document for the 8 steps to renew your Letter of Accommodation (LOA) for the Winter 2025 semester.

You must be registered for Winter 2025 before submitting a semester request. This process will open on November 11th, 2024, and the priority deadline will end on December 24th, 2024. We will start sending out LOA’s on January 3rd when the majority of instructors have been assigned. Reminder emails will be sent reminding students to renew their accommodations. Please respond to this email if you encounter any problems after November 11th, 2024, with regard to this process. 

*Tip* - Students are highly encouraged during their first week of classes to review their LOA with their instructor and go over any questions.

*Important* - it is the student’s responsibility to email DRC if their class schedule changes after they submit their semester request. Examples of changes include instructor change, changing sections, adding a class, etc. This is required to ensure your LOA is accurate and sent to the correct instructors.

Housing & Dining LOA will continue to remain in place for the full 2024-2025 academic year. If you are looking for new housing or dining accommodations, please respond to this email and request a meeting with a Case Manager. Housing accommodations are based on availability.

Do not hesitate to reach out to our office with any questions. 

Thank you, 

The DRC Team

Final exams are right around the corner!  Please schedule now at the CATE Lab if you want to test outside of the classroom/department. Please remember it is the student’s responsibility to submit testing dates, and the professor may be overwhelmed with other duties.  Do not assume that because you have tested at the CATE Lab previously we will have your final exam automatically scheduled!  Please email us the dates and times of all the finals that you want to take at the CATE Lab email.

If you do not know the time and date of the exam, please refer to Exam-Schedule 2024 and then email your professor to confirm that you have a final exam on that date.

If you would like to confirm that your exam is scheduled, please email us

Due to the increased amount of exams scheduled during finals week, we will not be able to accommodate late or last-minute requests.

When you contact us to schedule, we will need to know:

The time and date of the exam

The professor’s name and email address

The class such as BIOL 110

Which accommodations from your LOA you will be using, such as human scribe. 

Appointments need to be scheduled by 5:00 pm on December 4, 2024.  We ask that you please schedule by emailing CATE Lab.

Thank you, and happy studying!

Exploring Disability Identity

Please join us on zoom on Sundays from 1 PM to 3 PM for exploring disability identity.

03 November 2024 Relationships and Stigma

10 November 2024 Medication and managing Care

17 November 2024 Stereotypes and Resources

For more information email [email protected] & [email protected] and check out our flyer

For anyone who recently tried to start the DRC accommodation process and the link/button to our initial request form did not work, we apologize. The link should now be working correctly. Please email [email protected] if experiencing any issues.

 DRC students are advised to review the attached revised instructions on how to submit a semester renewal request. Please continue to inform us if you run into difficulty with this process.

There is no need to resubmit a semester request if you have already done so. A semester renewal request is required only for academic accommodations. It is not necessary to meet with a case manager unless you wish to update or change your accommodations.

The EMU Disability Resource Center has updated its application for accommodations procedure, definitions, and appeal process. Please know it will also be sent to all current students receiving accommodations through the DRC. Please email [email protected] with any questions or concerns. 

Go the Internship and Job Opportunities DRC webpage to find out the latest information from Upbound Staffing! Upbound Staffing is an organization that helps job seekers with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Go to our Forms and Resources page for study tips and test preparation tips!

New scholarship opportunities available and time sensitive! Find out more about scholarship opportunities on the DRC's Scholarship Resource Page.

Find out information about Handicap Permit Parking and additional parking resources available on our website. Additional information about ADA accessible parking. 

Interested in finding out more about academic support programs and student services at EMU? Check out the Academic Support Programs webpage!

EMU Telemental Health Services

If you're a student looking for weekly mental health supports, email Hannah Callison of the EMU Counseling Training Clinic at [email protected] to discuss remote counseling options.

EMU Telehealth Services

If you're a student looking for telehealth services please email [email protected] to find out more information. You can also visit the University Health Services website for more information.

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