About Us

We Are EMU's Student Government

Student Government is a representative body of all students on campus at EMU. We represent the voice of students on and off campus, to the University's Administration, Faculty,  and Board of Regents.​

The bulk makeup of Student Government is the EMU Student Body Senate. The Senate consists of 15 individuals who work diligently through committees and resolutions to make the students' voices heard in the larger community.

Part of Student Government is the Executive Board consisting of the Student Body President and Vice President, and the Directors who act as chairpersons of their respective committees and oversee Student Government initiatives.

What We Do

The Senate

The Student Senate, founded in 1914 by University President McKenny, is the oldest student representative body and the second oldest deliberative body on Eastern Michigan University.  The Student Senate is the central part of Student Government, holding the legislative power and is comprised of Student Senators. 

A Student Senator acts as a representative of the Student Body through faithful service as a voting member of the Student Senate.  Each Senator represents approxiametly 1,000 students at EMU. Senators fulfill the mission and purposes of Student Government by volunteering within a Standing Committee and actively engaging the university to ensure that students are put first. Senators draft and vote on important resolutions which seek to improve the lives of students both on and off campus.

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