
Student Government may grant money to student organizations and student clubs in order to assist organizational missions.

Request Funding

You must submit the Allocation Form no later than 11:59 p.m. on the Thursday before the Allocation Meeting!

Receiving Funding​

In order to receive funds, your org/club must be set up as a vendor. 

Follow these steps:

  1. Fill out a W9 Form [PDF].
  2. Obtain an EIN from the IRS.
    NOTE: The first step is to select a type of EIN you are applying for. Both Student Orgs and Club Sports must click on “View Additional Types” (Last option)

    For Student Orgs choose PTA/PTO or School Organization.
    For Club Sports choose Sports Teams (community).
  3. Open a Bank Account for your org.

    If you choose to open an account with EMUCU, you must have meeting minutes in writing stating that your org agreed to open an account with them. All officers must be present during the opening of the account. Something to note, if you open a savings account, there isn’t a min balance. However, you are only allowed 6 transactions per billing month. If you are looking to open a checking account, you must maintain a $200 min or fess will be charged to your account.

    NOTE: Have your EIN number and W9 Form on hand when opening a bank account.
  4. Fill out the Direct Deposit Form [PDF].
  5. Drop off W9 Form, EIN number, and Direct Deposit Form to Accounts Payable in Hover room 112

Student Orgs and Club Sports must fill out the forms below to receive funding:

All meetings are on Tuesday’s @ 6 p.m. in room 104 of the Student Center