Get Involved
Research Opportunities
Conducting independent research is an excellent way for students to put theory into practice, while developing skills and gaining valuable experience. EMU students interested in independent research are encouraged to review faculty profiles and to directly contact faculty whose research is of interest.
Student Clubs
Pre-Med Club
The Pre-Med Club is dedicated to developing its members professionally and preparing them for medical school. The club holds fundraisers, performs service projects and offers opportunities for student involvement on campus. Membership with the club requires attendance at biweekly meetings during the semester. Be sure to join the club on the student org portal to be added to our email list. Consider joining the club if you would like to receive emails on current premedical student events and courses.
Faculty Advisor
Pre-Vet Club
This organization is here to promote the highest standards in the field of veterinary medicine, the discussion of current social and economic issues as related to veterinary medicine, the practice of veterinary medicine and other animal related issues. Be sure to join the club on the student org portal.
Faculty Advisor
Biology Club/TriBeta National Honors Society (not currently active)
The Biology Club meets in conjunction with TriBeta. All biology students are welcome to join the club.
Beta Beta Beta (TriBeta) is a society for students, particularly undergraduates, dedicated to improving the understanding and appreciation of biological study and extending boundaries of human knowledge through scientific research. Since its founding in 1922, more than 200,000 persons have been accepted into lifetime membership and more than 553 chapters have been established throughout the United States.