Lisa Bank

A photo of Lisa Bank



401F Mark Jefferson Science Complex


[email protected]


BS with Honors, Loras College, Dubuque IA, 1997
PhD in Cellular and Molecular Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI, 2002
Post-doctoral training, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI

Interests and Expertise

I am interested in the cell and molecular pathways that direct the organ development in embryos.  I am also passionate about sharing my love of science and knowledge with students.

Publications and Presentations

Chervenak, AP, Bank LM, Thomsen N, Glanville-Jones HC, Jonathan S, Millen KJ, Arkell RM, Barald KF.  The role of Zic Genes in Inner Ear Development in the Mouse: Exploring Mutant Mouse Phenotypes. (2014).  Dev. Dyn. 11: 1487-1498.

Bank LM, Bianchi LM, Ebisu F, Lerman-Sinkoff D, Smiley EC, Shen YC, Ramamurthy P, Thompson DL, Roth TM, Beck CR, Flynn M, Teller RS, Feng L, Llewellyn GN, Holmes B, Sharples C, Coutinho-Budd J, Linn SA, Chernevak AP, Dolan DF, Benson J, Kanicki A, Martin CA, Altschuler R, Koch AE, Jewett EM, Germiller JA, Barald KF.  (2012).  Macrophage migration inhibitory factor as a neurotrophin in the developing inner ear.  Development 139: 4666-4674.

Gerlach-Bank LM, Cleveland AR, Barald KF.  (2004).  DAN directs endolymphatic sac and duct outgrowth in the avian inner ear.  Dev. Dyn. 229:  219-230.

Thompson D, Gerlach-Bank LM, Barald KF, Koenig R.  (2003). Retinoic acid regulation of bone morphogenetic protein 4 in inner ear development. Mole. Cell. Biol.  23: 2277-2286.

Warner SJ, Hutson MR, Oh SH, Gerlach-Bank LM, Barald KF, Lomax MI.  (2003).  Expression of ZIC genes in the development of the chick inner ear and nervous system.  Dev. Dyn. 226: 702-712.

Gerlach-Bank LM, Ellis AD, Noonen BM, Barald KF.  (2002).  Cloning and expression analysis of the chick DAN gene, an antagonist of the BMP family of growth factors. Dev. Dyn. 224: 109-115.

Eagleson GE, Gerlach LM, Platz TM.  (2001).  The effects of the eyeless mutant gene upon Pax-6 expression and axonogenesis in the Axolotl.  Int. J. of Dev. Biol. 45: 653-660.

Gerlach LM, Hutson MR, Germiller JA, Nguyen-Luu D, Victor JC, Barald KF.  (2000).  Addition of the BMP4 antagonist, noggin, disrupts avian inner ear development.  Development 127: 45-54.