Outdoor Event RequestIf you see this don't fill out this input box.Name of Event *Estimated Attendance *Name *Email *Phone *Event Locations5K Campus RoutesFletcher FieldsMLK GardenMcKenny MallPease lawn areaStudent Center PatioUniversity ParkOtherEvent Date and Time *Event Start Date and Time *Event Cleanup Date and Time *Event RequestsFoodTablesAmplified SoundSignageStageExternal MediaElectrical NeedsTentSpecial Parking NeedsSales/DonationsHandoutsInflatable GamesSolicitationOther itemsPlease give details on why the requests selected are a requirement.Grounds Requirements.Vehicle AccessTent StakesExtra Trash ReceptaclesElectricalWaterLightingDoes the irrigation need to be turned off? *YesNoWould Health and Safety need to be involved with anything? *YesNoWill there be a need to staff the event? *YesNoAdditional details Submit CancelForm resources:Terms & Conditions [PDF]5K route [PDF]Event Checklist [PDF]emich.edu/mapsEMU CateringCatering Exception RequestDepartment of Public Safety