Apply to Become an EMU Charter School
NOTE: EMU is currently not acccepting Phase One applications.
The Eastern Michigan University Charter Schools Office is not currently accepting Phase One applications for new charter schools. At such time as the application window is re-opened, the Charter Schools Office seeks charter schools that will meet a variety of academic needs throughout the region, serving as an extension of Eastern Michigan University’s commitment to high quality academic programming and community commitment.
At that time all completed applications will be given serious consideration; the EMU Charter Schools Office is especially interested in applications that emphasize one or more of the following priorities:
- Proposed school would be located in an area of demonstrated educational need;
- Proposed school would provide an innovative approach to addressing the educational needs of historically underserved populations;
- Proposed school would have a well-defined educational theme (i.e. STEM, environmental sustainability, leadership, social justice, classical,globalization, etc.);
- Proposed school would have a laser focus on addressing academic inequity within the chosen grade configuration;
- Proposed school would have a plan to establish a strong collaborative relationship with an institution of higher education;
- Proposed school would have a focus on socio-economic diversity among the student population, building staff and/or governing board.
Please contact the Eastern Michigan University Charter Schools Office - EMU CSO - at 734.487.2086 or [email protected] with any questions.