Support the CHHS
The College of Health and Human Services invites you to join us in helping students become capable and caring professionals. While the funds provided by the state and tuition/fee revenue allow us to provide the essentials of sound professional preparation, it is the support of our alumni and friends that enable us to offer our students unique, excellent and life-changing experiences as part of their education.
To learn how to partner with us, please feel free to contact Christa Reid with the EMU Foundation:
Christa Reid
Director of Development

To make a gift, please visit the EMU Foundation website for the College of Health and Human Services.
The following information summarizes the fundraising priorities of the College of Health and Human Services.
Program Support for the College of Health and Human Services
A donation of any amount can be contributed to a particular program within the college. These gifts can make a substantial impact on the program needs and quality. Donations help the dean, school director or faculty fund specific projects, equipment or curriculum initiatives.
Expendable Scholarships
Donations provide immediate assistance to today's students. Scholarship support can be directed to students majoring in the College of Health and Human Services or to students enrolled in a particular program. Various expendable scholarships already exist and donors can contribute any amount to these open funds. Creating a new expendable scholarship requires student criteria development and a minimum donation of $500.
Endowed Scholarships
An endowed scholarship is designated to provide a consistent source of income in perpetuity. The endowed funds are invested, producing steady, reliable income today and into the future for student recipients. A new endowment requires a minimum gift or pledge of $10,000 to the EMU Foundation.
Named Spaces
Donors have the opportunity to name spaces throughout campus with Board of Regents and University approval. Existing, renovated and new construction spaces may be named in coordination with the Board of Regents naming policy. Naming recognition at the College of Health and Human Services begins at the $10,000 gift level for a standard conference room to $1 million+ for a building.
Heritage Society
The Heritage Society recognizes alumni, faculty and friends who have created a lasting legacy at EMU through a bequest or planned gift. Gift commitments may include bequest intentions, a completed bequest in a will or living trust, designating EMU as the beneficiary of a retirement plan, charitable gift annuity, charitable remainder trust and/or a remainder-interest gift in the form of property.
All Donations are Directed to the EMU Foundation
The EMU Foundation is an institutionally related 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that solicits and manages funds on behalf of Eastern Michigan University. Its primary mission is to provide additional support to the students, programs services and educational community of EMU. The EMU Foundation was created in 1989 by the EMU Regents, and is governed by an independent Board of Trustees that elects its own officers. All trustees serve as volunteers.