MA, Elementary Education, Eastern Michigan University
MA, Educational Leadership, Eastern Michigan University
MA, Special Education, Eastern Michigan University
BSN, Lourdes University
BS, Education, Eastern Michigan University
ADN, Owens Community College
Newberry, G., Slack, J., & Stevens-Caboral, M. (2024). Nursing clinical instructors evaluation of development and utilization of clinical judgment in nursing students. Oral poster presentation at the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, & Letters. March 8, 2024.
Stevens, M. & Newberry, G. (2022). Undergraduate Nursing Students' Perceived Knowledge and Competence of Patient Safety: Comparison Between Clinical and Classroom Settings. Journal of Nursing and Practice, 5, p. 374-377.
Slack, J. & Newberry, G. (2022). Moral Distress, Ambiguity, and Injury in Nurses: An Integrated Review. Oral Presentation at the Michigan Academy of Science Arts, & Letters, March 11, 2022.
Newberrry, G. & DeBello, M. (2022). Clinical Judgement in Nursing Students. Oral Presentaiton at the MIchigan Academcy of Science, Arts, & Letters, March 11, 2022.
Slack, J. & Newberry, G. (2020). The Art of Noticing: Creating a Significant Learning Experience. Nurse Educator Institute, Memphis, TN (virtual). March 15-17, 2020.
Stevens, M. Ignacio, R. & Newberry, G. (2020). Undergraduate Nursing Students' Pharmacology Knowledge and Risk of Error Estimate. Nurse Education Today, October 2020, Volume 93.
Newberry, G. & Slack, J. (2019). Research Poster Presentation. Determining Predictive Success on the NCLEX When GPA is Not Enough. Nurse Educator Institute: Best Practices in Nursing Education for Student Success. Memphis, TN, March 10-12, 2019.
Stevens-Caboral, M. & Newberry, G. (2019). Research Podium Presentation. Estimating Risk of Error of Undergraduate Nursing Students Based on their Combined Scores on Pharmacology Knowledge Questionnaire and Self-Rated Certainty. Midwest Nursing Research Society Annual Conference, Kansas City, MO. March 27-30, 2019.
Newberry, G. & Slack, J. (2019) Research Poster Presentation. Punctunated Moments in Pharmacology. Nurse Educator Institute: Best Practices in Clinical Teaching and Learning. Branson, MO, April 10-12, 2019.
Newberry, G. & Slack, J. (2019). Research Poster Presentation. Predictive Success on the NCLEX-RN and the Relationship to Learning Styles and Type of Critical Thinking. 2019 Certified Nurse Educator Conference Camp, Oak Brook, IL, April 25-26, 2019.
Newberry, G. and DeBello, M. (2017). Research Poster Presentation. Clinical Faculty Perceptions of NursingStudents Preparedness. 17thNurse Educator Institute: Leading the Path for Change. Branson, Missouri, April 5–7, 2017.
Newberry, G. and DeBello, M. (2017). Research Poster Presentation. Student Perceptions of Clinical Experiences. Elsevier Nursing Education Conference: Las Vegas, Nevada, March 16–18, 2017.
Newberry, G. and DeBello, M. (2016) Research Poster Presentation. Using Mind Mapping to Increase Critical Thinking in Nursing Students. 16th Nurse Educator Institute: Leading the Path for Change. Branson, Missouri, April 12–15, 2016.
Newberry, G. and Slack, J. (2015). Research Poster Presentation. Who Cares for the Caring? Interdisciplinary Debriefing Adds Pastoral Care to Simulation. National League of Nursing Educational Summit Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 1–2, 2015.
Newberry, G. (2015). Oral Research Presentation. Students’ Perceptions of Simulation Education. Ohio Nurses Association Biennial Convention 2015, Columbus, Ohio, October 9, 2015.
Newberry, G. (2014). A Literature Review of Teaching Strategies in Simulation Education. Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, & Letters. Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan.
Newberry, G. (2014). Capella University, Ph.D. in Nursing Education. Dissertation, Students’ Experiences with Simulation Education. (Published 2014).
Slack, J., and Newberry, G. (2014). Poster Presentation. If at First You Don’t Succeed, Try, Try Again: Deliberate Practice in a Concept Based Simulation for Cognitive Skill Acquisition. National League of Nursing/ Elsevier Technology Conference-Nashville, Tennessee, October 24–26, 2014.