David Evoy

A photo of David Evoy

Student Service Coordinator

Social Work

315 Marshall


[email protected]


  • BA, University of Michigan, 1985
  • MSW, Eastern Michigan University, 1996


  • Worked 24 years at Holy Cross Children Service in a variety of positions including treatment specialist, program coordinator, clinical supervisor, division manager and school social worker. Experience with several different populations including cognitively impaired youth, juvenile sexual offenders, youth with substance abuse issues and youth with delinquency issues.
  • Started at EMU in 2010 in the student service coordinator role working with both the BSW and MSW programs. Provide academic advising and consultation to student enrolled or interested in enrolling the social work program.


  • SWRK 120 Intro to SW Services and Professional Roles
  • SWRK 409 Generalist SW Practice with Groups