students at the multicultural graduation celebration

Multicultural Graduation


The Center of Race & Ethnicity (CORE)  hosts the Multicultural Graduation Celebration (MGC) to acknowledge the achievements of graduating students of color; domestic and international students at EMU. This event also celebrates the rich culture of our diverse student body; from the music, performances, speeches, and more.

This is a free event that occurs the Friday before commencement in December and April.

Students who participate also receive a stole of their choosing. CORE invites all students, graduates, parents, families, and friends to be a part of this grand celebration. The guest number is limited to 6 individuals.

Note: If you are completing your degree in the summer, you can participate in April’s MGC.

Information for Graduates

We are thrilled to have you join us for this exciting celebration! The Fall 2024 Multicultural Graduation Celebration will be held on Friday April 25th, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. (doors will open at 5:00 p.m.) at the Frederic H. Pease Auditorium located on 494 College Place in Ypsilanti, Michigan. The celebration is for all students of color who have an active application to graduate.

IMPORTANT: Students must arrive and check-in by 5:30 p.m. We ask for purses, bags, coats, and other personal items given to family or friends before the ceremony. Cell phones and electronic devices should be silenced or turned off before the start of the procession. 

  • The celebration is expected to last approximately two hours. Please remain for the entire ceremony.
  • Photographs are encouraged, though they are only allowed from your seat during the ceremony; there is no guest access to the stage area.
  • Guests are not permitted in the graduate assembly or seating area. 
  • We do not allow balloons, banners, signs, noise makers, or other disruptive items.

Graduates are required to wear academic regalia (EMU approved cap and gown) to participate in the Multicultural Graduation Celebration .

Registration is required to participate in the Multicultural Graduation Celebration. The registration deadline is March 25th, 2025

Please know that some information regarding event logistics may be subject to change. Register for MGC to receive the most up-to-date notifications about the event. 

Register for Multicultural Graduation Celebration

Graduation is intended to be a festive occasion celebrating the accomplishments of our students. However, it is also ceremonial. Graduates are expected to abide by the following guidelines:

  • All graduates are required to wear academic regalia (EMU approved cap and gown) to participate in the Multicultural Graduation Celebration .
  • Graduates should remain in their seats during the entire ceremony unless utilizing the restrooms.
  • Students are required to be in their seats for the address by our keynote speaker.
  • Cell phones are permitted, but out of courtesy to other participants, students are asked to silence their phones and make judicious use of phones and not use them during the formal speaking portions of the ceremony.
  • It is particularly important that students respect their fellow students and the faculty, administrators, and guests who have come to witness and participate in the graduation celebration. For this reason, graduates are expected to return to their seats after they walk and remain there until all students have walked and members of the celebration have exited the stage.
  • Please plan post-ceremony activities accordingly.
Name Reader Cards

When you register for MGC, you will be asked to provide the phonetic pronunciation of your name. You will be given a name reader card during check-in on the day of the celebration. When you approach the stage as directed by the faculty marshals, you will hand your card to the name reader.

  • For the Multicultural Graduation Celebration, only students who registered for MGC can order tickets. (Students must have completed the MGC participation form in order to be on the approved list.).
  • An email regarding the ticketing process will be sent to students who registered for MGC.
  • Each graduate may obtain up to six (6) free guest tickets.
  • Tickets are required for entry to the venue. If you don’t have a ticket, you will not be allowed to enter the building. All guests including children age two and above must have a ticket.
  • Seating is General Admission. Accessible seating/access must be arranged in advance once the ticketing process has started.
  • Graduates and guests are encouraged to download digital tickets to their mobile wallets before arriving for the ceremony to prevent delays due to expected excessive demands on the WiFi network.
  • Plan on arriving early to allow ample time for the entrance screening process.

The celebration is currently scheduled to be held at the Frederic H. Pease Auditorium located on 494 College Place in Ypsilanti, Michigan.

As a general rule, any items that obstruct the view of other guests or that can be used as projectiles, that interfere with the comfort of other guests or are deemed inappropriate/hazardous by venue security are prohibited. 

Everyone is subject to inspection of person, parcels, bags, and clothing capable of concealing prohibited items. Changes in campus security may affect security procedures.

  • Permitted Items
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    • Bags (clutch size 4.5” x 6.5” or clear bag)

    • Diaper bag/medical bag

  • Prohibited Items
    Expand dropdown
    • Aerosol Cans

    • Alcohol

    • Bags larger than 4.5” x 6.5” (all bags are subject to inspection)

    • Balloons

    • Firearms, weapons, and sharp objects including mace and pepper spray 

    • Food/Beverages (Baby food, formula and/or snacks are permitted if accompanied by an infant)

    • Hazardous materials including but not limited to explosives and fireworks

    • Laser Pointers

    • Noisemakers (Including musical instruments and amplified noisemakers (bullhorns, air horns, etc.)

    • Non-service animals 

    • Objects that obstruct others views

    • Professional photography/video/audio equipment and tripods 

    • Signs or banners 

    • Strollers 

    • Weapons (Including Pepper Spray and knives/blades of any length)

    • Any illegal substances  

    • Any item(s) or action deemed dangerous or inappropriate

  • Directions & Parking

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    Traffic becomes very heavy during special event days, particularly on Washtenaw Avenue. Please plan on leaving early to give enough time to arrive. 

    Get Driving Directions


    FREE parking is available in the Pease A1 Lot. We highly recommend carpooling to the event to ensure you are able to park. Spots fill quickly so plan accordingly.


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