students gathering lgbt resources

Resources & Support

The LGBTRC offers various resources and aid. From support groups, to our social events, there are multiple opportunities to find your connection and home within the LGBTRC.



  • Ace/Aro - Asexual & Aromantic Community Circle

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    The Asexual & Aromantic Community Circle is an affinity group aimed to build community, create affirmation, and increase awareness/visibility across campus. This group is peer led and does not provide professional counseling services.

    Email the Resource Center to get more information at [email protected].

  • Binder Exchange Program

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    The LGBT Resource Center recognizes the challenges that many trans and gender non-conforming students encounter as they strive to live life as their full authentic selves. Physically transitioning is an important component to many gender-diverse folks as they seek to align their physical bodies with how they identify. The RC is here to help with our binder exchange program!

    We are continually collecting binders, so our stock is in flux. Email the LGBT Resource Center at [email protected] or stop by during office hours to peruse the supply or donate gently used items!

    Free binders at Points of Pride is available to many folks in need.

  • COBO - Coming Out Being Out

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    Wondering about support for queer students on campus? This group is designed for LGBTQIA+ students or those questioning their gender, romantic, and/or sexual identities to discuss issues regarding the lifelong process of coming out, being out, sexuality, gender, identity and other topics. If you would like more information about this group, please contact [email protected]

    Winter 2025 -  Fridays 10:30am-12pm

    cobo advert

    Sponsored by Counseling and Counseling Services (CAPS)

  • TNQ - Transgender/Nonbinary/Questioning Affinity Group


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    The group provides a space for transgender, nonconforming and genderqueer/questioning EMU students to find support and connection with each other. This group is peer led and does not provide professional counseling services.

    Email the Resource Center to get more information at [email protected].

  • GYT - Get Yourself Tested

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    The LGBT Resource Center partners with a community partner to provide students with FREE and confidential STI and HIV testing and counseling every other Thursday during the acdademic year, and monthly during the summer. Each appointment lasts 35-45 minutes. Sign up here. Appointments may not be available further than 3 weeks out; keep checking back as you need.


  • Gender Inclusive Restrooms

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    EMU currently offers more than 15 gender inclusive restrooms throughout campus. To find the closest restroom to you, visit the Interactive Campus Map and select the “Gender Inclusive Restrooms” icon under Locations. Restrooms are also listed if offered when an individual building is selected.

    For example, if you select Student Center, the three different locations will be listed in the drop down menu labeled, Gender Inclusive Restrooms.

  • LGBTQ+ Inclusive Housing

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    Gaining a new roommate on campus as a member of LGBTQ+ community can be exciting and sometimes scary. Housing and Residence Life understands the need for each student to live in a supportive, affirming environment. In addition to Spectrum, a Living-Learning Theme Community dedicated to LGBTQ+ students and allies, staff within Housing and Residence Life are available and ready to discuss concerns and options for finding a housing assignment that is right for you and will help you succeed at EMU.

    Visit their website for more information on Gender Inclusive housing options or contact the LGBT Resource Center at [email protected] for help in starting a conversation about your housing needs.

  • Updating Records

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    The current Preferred Name policy was adopted in 2014 and is still relevant in updating chosen names in areas such as myEmich and Canvas. We recognize that several systems, such as Zoom and GSuite being used by the University at this time were not included previously considered in this, or systems like Canvas, have new updates that allow for pronoun designation in user settings. 

    The on-going reality of remote learning during a global pandemic has brought to light new issues regarding LGBTQ+ students representing themselves authentically online. We are working to compile a recommendation list of ways our many means of connecting can best be set up to allow all students to use their chosen names and pronouns while engaging in EMU related activities. For assistance in navigating a specific circumstance, please email us at [email protected] to discuss options available and updates on our work to correct problem areas.

  • Prospective Students

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    The LGBTQ+ campus community and climate is an official Point of Pride for the institution. The LGBT Center strives to be receptive and responsive to student needs through our support, education, and advocacy programs. Our goal is to weave LGBTQ+ affirming policies and practices throughout all aspects of campus and academic life at EMU, to ensure every student can take full advantage of every opportunity we as an institution have to offer.

    Check out EMU’s Admissions website for general information about admissions, financial aid, and student resources. You can also learn more about local and national scholarships on our Financial Assistance page. Please reach out to us at [email protected] with questions about the campus and community.


  • Professional Development Fund

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    Campus Life has a dedicated fund to support student opportunities to attend professional development opportunities such as conferences, conduct research, and more. Visit their website for additional information and the application process. 


    If denied funding related to an LGBTQ+ event or LGBTQ+ related research due to lack of funds left through Campus Life, contact the LGBT Resource Center Coordinator, Amy, at [email protected] to discuss additional opportunities.

  • Stonewall Scholarship

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    The College of Arts and Sciences presents the Stonewall Scholarship, an award open to EMU students of any major or college. The recipients are undergraduate or graduate students who demonstrate leadership and/or involvement in organizations, activities or issues that promote a positive gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender campus environment. Neither application for nor acceptance of this scholarship indicates the sexual or gender orientation of the applicant.

    For additional information and the application, visit the College of Arts and Sciences scholarship page.

  • TK Morton Scholarship

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    The LGBT Resource Center is currently fundraising money to create a brand new scholarship at EMU! Honoring TK Morton, EMU alum who helped found the Queer and Trans People of Color Collective while completing zir’s undergraduate degree, this fund will serve to eliminate barriers in higher education facing LGBTQ+ students of color. To donate, please visit EMU’s Foundation website.

    Interested in hosting a fundraiser to support this cause? Contact the Resource Center at [email protected] to discuss collaboration ideas.
  • Student Emergency Fund

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    The Student Government at EMU recognizes the unique challenges faced by LGBTQ+ students in completing their undergraduate or graduate degree. To assist with unforeseen financial emergencies, they up to $750 in a one time award that can be used for eligible expenses like food, rent, medical bills, and car repairs.

    For more information and to complete the application, visit the Student Government website. For assistance in completing your application or to discuss additional resources in addressing your particular situation, please email the LGBT Resource Center Coordinator, Amy, at [email protected].

  • Off-Campus LGBTQ+ Scholarships

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    Below are several resources for funding your higher education as an LGBTQ+ college student. Please click the names to be taken to an outside organization’s website or database.


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