Laser Physics Lab
A photo of work being done in the experimental laser physics laboratory.
The experimental laser physics laboratory currently focuses on studying the interaction between highly excited atoms (Rydberg atoms) and external electric or magnetic fields. Experiments in miniaturized vapor cells using Rydberg EIT show that atomic vapor samples can be used to detect radio-frequency fields by monitoring the internal energy level shifts. Under certain resonant conditions this property can be amplified to act as a sensitive RF detector or antenna. Over the years funding sources have included the State of Michigan, the National Science Foundation, and industry.
The lab uses an extensive range of equipment including:
- A Spectra Physics Millennia II laser
- An Adaptive Optics Associates Wave Scope Wavefront Sensor
- An Oriel Integrating Sphere, light source, and photomultiplier tube detection system
- A Newport Motion Controller with translation stages
- Three optics tables
For more information contact:
Eric Paradis, Associate Professor