Scholarships for the 2025-2026 Academic Year

The Department of Physics & Astronomy offers a variety of scholarships to currently enrolled students; they are listed below with the minimum requirements and needed materials for a complete application.  Students may qualify for other scholarships offered through The College of Arts & Sciences and the Graduate School.  A searchable database is provided by the Office of Financial Aid.

Applications for these scholarships are being solicited for the 2025-2026 academic year.

Completed applications must be received by March 7, 2025.  (Please note that only EMU email addresses can access the applications.)

Recipients will be announced at the Honors Day event on April 11, 2025 and scholarships dispersed during the Fall '25 & Winter '26 semesters.

  • Jacobs Society of Physics Students Leadership Scholarship Expand dropdown

    This scholarship is for undergraduates with any declared major in physics (physics, engineering physics, physics research, physics teaching) who have demonstrated quality leadership when serving as an officer in the Eastern Michigan University Chapter of the Society of Physics Students.  A student who is a newly elected officer must indicate what leadership potential they will bring to the position.  The officer positions are outlined in the EMU Society of Physics Students Charter.  To be a successful candidate the student must:

    • carry a minimum G.P.A. of 3.2
    • have completed at least three courses in physics, at Eastern Michigan University, that count toward any major in physics
    • be an officer in the Eastern Michigan University Chapter of the Society of Physics Students, or was a past officer in the chapter, or is a newly elected officer who will serve in the coming semester when the scholarship is awarded
    • have a letter of recommendation from the faculty advisor of the Eastern Michigan University Chapter of the Society of Physics Students
    • write a 300-500 word essay stating what they have done to be a significant leader in the chapter, or, if newly elected, what leadership qualities they will bring to the officer position.


    Jacobs SPS Leadership Scholarship Application Form

  • The Floyd Leib Scholarship in Physics Expand dropdown

    This scholarship is for undergraduates from sophomore year through graduation. It will be used to assist students in their preparation for teaching physics at the secondary or college level. To be a successful candidate the student must:

    • carry a minimum G.P.A. of 3.0
    • have demonstrated teaching potential and chosen teaching as a career
    • have demonstrated above average scholarship in physics
    • have exhibited good qualities of general character and fitness
    • have completed not less than 12 semester hours in the Winter 2025 semester
    • have a declared major or minor in physics teaching
    • write a 300-500 word essay stating why they have chosen teaching as a career.


    Floyd Leib Scholarship in Physics Application Form

  • Harry L. Smith Scholarship in Physics Expand dropdown

    This scholarship is for undergraduates with a declared major in physics (physics, engineering physics, or physics research). Incoming freshmen are eligible for this award if they declare a major in physics, engineering physics, or physics research when they enroll in the university. Entering freshmen, particularly females and minorities, are especially encouraged to apply. To be a successful candidate the student must:

    • carry a minimum G.P.A. of 3.0 in college or a 3.5 in high school
    • have documented proof of a declared major in physics, engineering physics, or physics research
    • have completed, or be completing, two physics courses that count on the major
    • write a 300-500 word essay stating why they will be successful at EMU and why they have chosen a major in physics.


    Harry L. Smith Scholarship in Physics Application Form

  • Mark Daniel Trochet Scholarship in Physics Expand dropdown

    This scholarship shall be awarded to students with a declared major in physics or physics research who wish to pursue a career in this exciting science. The candidate may have a weak high school background as long as ACT or SAT scores place them in at least the 85th percentile. We are looking for candidates who will use this scholarship opportunity to excel in the university setting. To be a successful candidate the student must:

    • have a declared major in physics or physics research
    • have ACT or SAT composite scores in at least the 85th percentile for students taking the test that year
    • carry a minimum of 12 graded hours during the semester of the award
    • carry a minimum EMU or transfer G.P.A. of 3.7 with no semester G.P.A. less than 3.4 (high school G.P.A. will not be considered for incoming freshmen candidates)
    • write a 300-500 word essay stating why they will be successful at EMU and why they have chosen a major in physics or physics research.


    Mark Daniel Trochet Scholarship in Physics Application Form

  • Kenneth and Rosemarie Williams Scholarship for Engineering Physics Expand dropdown

    This scholarship is awarded to a student actively pursuing a career in engineering physics. The successful candidate must:

    • have proof of a declared major in engineering physics
    • carry a minimum 3.2 G.P.A. in the engineering physics major
    • have completed PHY 223, PHY 224, PHY 229 (or ME 211), and PHY 230 (or ME 312)
    • be at least a junior at the time of application
    • be a U.S. citizen
    • write a 300-500 word essay stating what you plan to do with your engineering physics degree after graduation.


    Williams Scholarship for Engineering Physics Application Form

  • Major Gerald M. Bloomfield Memorial Endowed Scholarship Expand dropdown

    This scholarship is to help finance returning veterans to finish their undergraduate degree. To be a successful candidate the student must:

    • be a veteran of any branch of service
    • have a declared major in physics, engineering physics, or research physics
    • have completed PHY 223 and PHY 224 with a grade of C or better
    • have a minimum overall G.P.A. of 3.0 in at least 24 credit hours at a college or university
    • carry a minimum of 9 graded credit hours during the semester of the award
    • supply transcripts, two letters of recommendation, and proof of honorable discharge from the military
    • write an essay of at least 500 words that describes how a degree in physics will enhance their career goals.


    This scholarship is not yet endowed, and therefore not accepting applications.  Please visit our donation page if you wish to contribute.

  • The Crystal L. Tucker Memorial Fellowship Expand dropdown

    This fellowship will recognize a master's degree student in physics education who has demonstrated exemplary academic performance and a desire to continue teaching physics at the secondary school level. To be a successful candidate the student must:

    • be a master's degree student in physics education
    • carry a minimum G.P.A. of 3.0
    • have demonstrated interest in teaching physics at the secondary school level.


    Crystal L. Tucker Memorial Fellowship Application Form