PPAT Launches ProEMU Alternative Credential Lab

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The application deadline for Professional Programs & Training's  Spring 2023 Laboratory for Credential Innovation is April 18th.

The Laboratory is the culmination of a year-plus long partnership with the University Professional Continuing Education Association (UPCEA) on better understanding Eastern Michigan University assets and opportunities in developing and implementing alternative credentials initiatives across disciplines and programs.  The Laboratory supports EMU's strategy to increase the number of non-degree certificates and credentials offered by the University and the communication about those programs.

The five-week hybrid program will engage participants in exploring the landscape of alternative credentials and support them in aligning their non-degree program idea with educational and industry best practices. Designed as a learning community, the program includes asynchronous activities in Canvas, opportunities for peer review and feedback, and weekly live sessions for further learning/processing/discussion. The final program deliverable will be a comprehensive proposal for an alternative credential in the participant's area of expertise. Proposals will be evaluated on viability and may be selected for a pilot offering in FY2024. Credential Innovation Fellows will receive a $500 stipend and a digital credential upon successful completion of the program.

To learn more visit our website or apply now.