2012-2013 Annual SAC Honors Event, April 10, 2013

The Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminology held its annual honors event on Wednesday, April 10, 2013. Each program recognized undergraduate students in their major for outstanding academic achievement. The Department also celebrated graduate assistants for their valuable contributions to the department. Finally, the following scholarship recipients were recognized and awarded:

SAC Endowed Scholarship 2013-2014

  • Amanda Burch, Sociology
  • Marc Rogers, Anthropology
  • Kristi Heintzman, Criminology

Pat Easto Scholarship 2013-2014

Samantha Parcell, Sociology

Greg O'Dell Student Scholarship 2013-2014

Brooke O'Neil, Criminology

Marilyn of Monroe Scholarship 2013-2014

Traci Breitmeyer, Criminology

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