The Crime and Justice Research Alliance
Dr. Peter Wood is a Founding Board Member of the Crime and Justice Research Alliance (CJRA), a centralized resource of authoritative experts and scholarly studies created to provide policymakers, practitioners and the public direct access to relevant research on crime and criminal justice issues. Go to the CJRA website.
Formed in 2015, the Crime & Justice Research Alliance represents a collaborative effort between the nation’s two leading criminal justice associations, the American Society of Criminology (ASC) and the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS), which represent over 5000 criminal justice scholars and research experts.
CJRA communicates with the criminal justice research and academic communities about legislative, appropriations, and policy developments in Washington, DC. CJRA assists policymakers across the political spectrum by summarizing published scholarly articles and identifying expert witnesses to speak to Committees, Members of Congress and Justice Department officials. The goal of CJRA is to provide objective research to inform legislators in criminal justice policy and appropriation decisions as well as reporters covering criminal justice topics in the news.
For more information, please visit the Crime and Justice Research Alliance (CJRA) website.