Dr. Feng to Participate in Webinar

On Friday, December 3, at 10 am EST Dr. Xianghong Feng will participate in a webinar about her book Tourism and Prosperity in Miao Land: Power and Inequality in Rural Ethnic China. The event is hosted by The Anthropology of Tourism: Heritage, Mobility, and Society Author Conversation Series. Dr. Feng will discuss her research with series editor Michael A. Di Giovine. The discussion will be via Zoom and is open to the public. 

Zoom Link: https://wcupa.zoom.us/j/97778824244?pwd=VGZQOWxRMGNneENBVXZUdnptSm94Zz09

Passcode: LexTourism

You can find more information about Dr. Feng's book here.

Flyer for Dr. Feng's webinar

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