Solange Simões

A photo of Solange Simões

Professor of Sociology and Women's and Gender Studies

Sociology, Anthropology and Criminology; Women's and Gender Studies

713C Pray Harrold


[email protected]


  • Ph.D., Sociology, London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London, England, 1989.
  • MA, Political Science, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil, 1983.
  • BA, Social Sciences, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil, 1979
  • Curriculum Vitae [PDF]

Interests and Expertise

  • Globalization and gender
  • Racial identity
  • Class structure
  • Environmental values and attitudes
  • Survey methodology
  • Global learning


  • WGST 556/456 SOCL 556/456 Gendered Globalization
  • WGST 200 Introduction to Women's Studies
  • WGST 210 Gender in a Transnational World

Publications and Presentations

  • Simões, S. and Matos, M. (2009). Modern ideas, traditional behavior and the persistence of gender inequality in Brazil. In Siemienska, R. (Ed.), Special Issue: Changing conceptions of gender. International Journal of Sociology. Volume 38, No. 4,Winter 2008–9, pp. 94–110.
  • Simões, S. et al. (2009). The private motivations of public action: Women's associational lives and political activism in Brazil. In Demos, V. and Segal, M. t. (Eds.), Perceiving Gender locally, globally and intersectionally. Advances in Gender Research, Volume 13, pp. 203–239.
  • Simões, S.  and Gray, S. (2008). Combining academic service-learning and information literacy: A new framework for an introductory women's studies course. In Bernstein, J. L. (ed.), Making learning visible: The scholarship of teaching and learning at EMU. Ypsilanti: Bruce K. Nelson Faculty Development Center, Eastern Michigan University.
  • Ester, P., Vinken, H., Simões, S. and Aoyagi-Usui, M. (eds.) (2003). Culture and Sustainability: A Cross-National Study of Cultural Diversity and Environmental Priorities among Mass Publics and Decision Makers. Amsterdam: Dutch University Press.
  • Simões, S. (1985). Deus, Pátria E Família As Mulheres No Golpe De 1964 (God, Country and Family: Women in the 1964 Military Coup). Petrópolis: Vozes.


I focus on international comparative research on issues of gender, race, class and the global environment. I have a special interest in women and globalization, transnational feminism, gender political inequality and gender and work.

My research has allowed me to collaborate with colleagues from several continents, such as Brazil, China, Japan, the Netherlands, Canada and Russia. I have also taught and/or conducted fieldwork in places as diverse as Brazil, China and South Africa. It engaged me in projects that combined the research with student training. It also gave me first-hand international research experience that I enjoy sharing with my students. At EMU, I have co-lead a faculty seminar to foster global learning across campus.

Since 2007 I have been an American Regional representative in the International Sociological Association's research committee, 32 Women in Society, and I am currently a member of the Global Feminist Partnership Program of the Sociologists for Women in Society.

I was born and raised in Brazil, and was a professor of sociology at Federal University of Minas Gerais when I first came to the USA as a Fulbright scholar. I continue doing research in Brazil and teach at UFMG every summer. I really enjoy being able to have two homes and two countries, and feel very privileged that my work allows me to work on building my global citizenship!